
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sick as a dog

Song of the day: “Under the sun” by Cheryl Cole. As long as I don’t see the clip, the song is a cute one. Hah.

Well, there’s bad news, so let’s get to that before we get down to business. Practically everyone here is sick. Yep. Isn’t it grand? Little brother and sister got some sort of bug, and it spread through the entire family like a wildfire. Seriously, this is a nasty little bug. Big brother wasn’t worth a damn for the past couple of days, seeing as he had a bad fever, and is coughing somewhat fierce.

I tried, I really did, keeping away from the bug, keeping out of the house, staying in the open air, but I seem to have caught a wee bit of it regardless. Probably this is partly due to the fact that I spent about an hour in the car with Visitor who (regardless of having caught the bug too) really wanted to see mom and the sibs at the market. So I drove her there, and wandered around for a couple of hours. Actually got myself some books, yay! But I’m drifting. I was already a little woozy in the morning, and had a doozy of a headache, and though I could go past it during the course of the day, it was there in the sting at the back of my throat, and my swollen tonsils.

Took lots of tinctures from my own herbs, made some good mixes, because despite some feverishness, I managed to get through the today without too much trouble (and one nap) without it affecting work.

So let’s do a cabin update. The floor was varnished today. I didn’t have time for it, so grandpa did the honors. The floor in the bathroom is all set, and big brother, who was feeling better today, managed to get most of the toilet installed. If all goes well that part should be done tomorrow. The roof of the bathroom is in now as well, which was something grandpa and I did today. Though I didn’t mind working with the circle saw with my feverish head, I drew the line at the sawing table, so grandpa ended up doing that too, poor fella. What I did manage to do without too much trouble was put together the window frame for the bathroom, and yesterday afternoon, together with Cousin Ed, putting together the bed I designed for Sally’s cabin. It’s a beauty (I’m taking pics for an update soon), in particular since Cousin Ed painted it a soft peach today. Sally is really looking forward to moving in. She told me this morning that she barely slept a wink during the night because she was so excited about her cabin. That’s always nice to hear.

There were two cooking sessions. Pizza yesterday, which Sally helped prepare while Cousin Ed and Big Brother watered the yard, and Pasta with fresh tomato sauce today, for which tenant cut the tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers. Both meals went down rather well at the end of a long day.

Sally is working hard trying to make herself useful. We’re keeping a close eye on her, not wanting her to overdo things and nap whenever she’s tired on this comfortable foldout couch that we put outside so she can sleep out in the fresh air. She’s loving that after almost three weeks of imprisonment at the hospital. Tomorrow Cousin Ed is taking her to the hospital in Malaga for her first radiology treatment. Sally’s taking it well enough, and is handling the entire affair with loads of her old aplomb.

Tenant’s rather tired these days, practicing her walking, and doing more of her own dressing and such. Sometimes I worry a bit about her, but it is always her choice, of course. She will have to find her own boundaries, and the only way to find those, she’ll have to push them a little.

After a quick dip in the pool this afternoon (despite the temps dropping, working out there in the old paddock in full sunshine makes you sweaty and dusty…and the feverishness is not helping any) we drained it. What with everyone being ill, Big brother forgot to throw in chloride so the entire thing was green. Ended up deciding to fill part of the basin with it, and go for new water, rather than waste half a bucket of chloride. While I went to my cabin for a much needed nap, (my doggies sure loved that!) big brother went down into the yard to water the yard. Once he finished that, he woke me up because he had to go out to pick up a donation, while I was left to head for the pool and clean it for reuse. We’re really going to have to do some repairs before spring. There’re cracks and some missing tiles that will cause considerable leakage.

Beside all the building stuff, there are the normal chores, of course. Laundry, as usual, dog food to prepare and feed, and the cleaning that I am just not getting to, darn it. Seriously, where are those extra hours in a day I keep asking for. *sigh*

Last bit is the writing, naturally. At the moment (in particular being feverish and all) I’m lucky to get two pages a day, and the fact that I also need to do my blog again today, doesn’t help that much either, hah. No matter, though, there is some progress and that’s all that matters right now.

Well, that’s it for me today. I need to get horizontal and do something about this whacky immune system of mine. *sigh*

1 comment:

Angle Monaluchas said...
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