
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The aftermath

Song of the day: “Bruises” by Train and Ashley Monroe. Cute little song, but I’ve been listening to it a bit too much because I even woke up with it this morning.

So what’s been going on? Not a whole bloody lot, really. Most of all, yesterday was rather tedious for everyone involved. Part of it was because I wasn’t worth a damn after that thirteen hour workday. I was tired, sore and out of sorts, in particular since, in order to sleep I had to take a painkiller because my every muscle was screaming, and refused to relax. Very annoying. But anyway, I did in the end fall asleep, which was what I really needed. Wasn’t at my best after waking up, but did slowly go through the morning rituals such as laundry and feeding the dogs, and getting into the day.

There was the car to unload (had an appointment later on to pick up a donation), which was a friggin’ mess after three days of hard labor. There were tools to gather from the mess, metal debris, paper cement bags, and all those little things that filled up the whole of the back. While I did the remainder of the Land Rover, big brother took care of the trailer so little brother could come up and reload for their market on Sunday, and protect everything against the predicted rain.

My doggies were very “sticky”, which is something that often happens when I need to be out a lot. They’ll follow me around everywhere, sticking their heads under my hands, and basically trying to trip me so I’ll be on the ground where they can hold me down. *snort*

Okay, my memory is failing me, so I’m just going to mention whatever pops up in my mind, and you’ll just have to figure it all out yourself. Hah. Right…okay, yesterday we did some wood chopping and bringing it up. Regretfully I only managed one three foot trunk, seriously, my feet refused to climb the mountain all the way, and I had to drop the darn thing at the top of the garden steps.
Luckily today went a lot better. Managed to chop about half a load of the pieces of trunks that big brother sawed off. Was a nice exercise, oiled the muscles, allowed me to get rid of the lingering stiffness, which was good, because stiff I was.

What else? Well, there was the donation thing. Got about a thousand pounds of canned beets. Big cans, mind you, that were about a year overdue, which isn’t a big problem considering they were on a sour base. It took some time to load them, especially considering we were both sore as heck. Hah.

Put the last touches (blue slats) on Sally’s roof. We’d been postponing it and since the weather is rapidly turning bad again. There is a prediction of rain for the weekend thank you very much, meaning that it is unlikely that we’re going to be heading for the Sunday market. Not that I mind all that much. A quiet weekend, which we can use to prepare for Tuesday with the balcony, at home.

Knight II’s foot is looking good. Regretfully he still has a small wound on the top of his heel that needs to heal before his sock can come off. The bastard has been making a nuisance of himself, if you must know. He’s gone through four socks already, chewing through the fabric, darn it.

Gada…well, she’s not doing well. I took her to the vet the other day to discuss her options, and promptly ended up crying. So stupid. Must have been the tiredness, because I know better than most that sometimes the end is just there. Still, it startled the vet, I think, who immediately said that there were other options to try. One of them being a change in her pain medication to see how she would respond to that. She asked if I thought Gada was unhappy, or in a lot of pain, and I answered yes to the latter, while to the first I had to be honest and say that I had no idea. She’s a Labrador, after all, and to a lab life is grand as long as the boss is there to play with. Regretfully Gada is the type of dog who would gladly walk on a broken leg if that meant that she could do her cheery job as a Labrador. Poor darling. I have noticed she’s in pain, though. More often than not she’s sagging through her hind legs, and at night I will sometimes find her awake, breathing heavy despite the fact that the nights are cool. Ah well, right now I’m in the possession of new pain medication that will last her for about ten days. We’ll see how it goes, but so far I’m not particularly pleased with her progress.
Now let’s hope that the next time I need to take her to the vet I can keep from blubbering all over the place. Because that won’t help anyone, and even worry Gada, which is not something she deserves.
I should look at it the way the vet does. Sometimes the body is just at its end, and Gada’s hips are there.

There was more unloading of the car, of course. All those cans that had to be stored
Supper had to be cooked. Thought big brother took care of one of those by making spinach which potatoes, I made a veggie mix on spaghetti which went down well…or would have, if I had been remotely hungry.

Some concerns are going on at the moment what with the strikes in the big cities. Though the small villages aren’t really bothered, the unrest is affecting everyone, scaring folks quite a bit. Me too, admittedly. I mean, seriously, what use do the strikes have when there IS NO MONEY? I mean, you can stamp your foot all you like, but that won’t make the wallet full (and no, getting that money from the rich won’t help at all. Either everyone gets a buck this month, or one more pay, and then what? Idiots!). Heck, even the Twinkie company went down because of silliness like this. What do folks think: someone waves a magic wand? Mommy and daddy will take care of it? What? Scary how so many folks can be so shortsighted. I do hope that stuff won’t get as bad as a few years ago where we were without dog food due to such strikes. I mean, seriously, I can do without a meal or two, but the doggies can’t.

Did some more leather branding this morning. Not much, just trying out some shapes, seeing what works.
Dog food had to be done, of course. Which meant cutting the lot while big brother took care of our supper tonight. Yay.
Decided to take this writing session of the blog as an excuse to re-watch Resident Evil (the first one) which is still a splendid movie. *sigh*

Well, that’s about it for me. Did manage to sweep the floor in my cabin this morning, but the place is still a mess, darn it. I really have to eke out some time for that. Same goes for the writing. Though I have added some pages, it is going extremely slow at the moment, darn it.

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