
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

50 yard sprint. Yay!

Song of the day: “Perhaps perhaps perhaps” by Doris Day, duh!
Good song, but I do have it a lot in my head, which could get annoying if it lasts too long.

Right. The past couple of days. I really gotta start doing something about this brain of mine so I can remember stuff better. Need that diary again…

Okay, woke semi-on-time yesterday, which is a problem lately, considering my alarm is acting wonky again. It fell the other night, so now, every once in a while, it stops running, darn it.

As is usual at the moment, the day started with taking the visiting dogs for a walk. They’re really used to it at the moment, are bouncing and barking when I let them out in the morning and take them for a walk…over coffee, of course. Can’t be without coffee doing that, or the laundry that follows. Thinking about it, that is a perfectly fine description for today and yesterday, including feeding the dogs and the two hour edit that followed.

Yesterday’s edit was really good, by the way. Managed to make our way through twenty pages during the course of two sessions. While today we added another fourteen pages to the hole, bringing us close to one third of the edit.

Spent some time in the yard, of course, watering stuff, searching for bugs, which was vastly relaxing. Couldn’t do much for the outside kitchen yesterday, seeing as we had to go out to do some groceries. That took quite a while, in particular since we had to go to the vegetable distribution center to get our load of veggies or the dogs, and some for ourselves, which are way cheaper than at the supermarket, which is awesome.

Cooked supper once we got home, which involved the newly bought carrots and potatoes which made for a great mix of food, which fell on the heavy side.
Good though it might be, today I opted to prepare pumpkin soup, which is something Sally likes a lot, and tenant, who both enjoyed it…me too for that matter.

Today we did manage work a little on the outside kitchen. Did some serious digging, in particular for the foundation, and removing rocks which I’ll use for the wall, later on. While cousin Ed and I worked on that, big brother dug, chopped, and wrenched out the eucalyptus tree trunk that was left from the one we cut down the other day. Took him quite some time, but by the time I’d picked my kitchen windows, he had it done.

Had to go to the vet tonight, where a massive bill still needs to be paid, but of which at least paid part again. *sigh* Took Knight II along, because afterward we headed for our usual spot to do some jogging. Went well today (also for Knight II, of course), I even managed a fifty yard sprint full out. Yay! Not bad, eh? And I think that the fact that I managed to choke down a small slice of beef again, this afternoon, helped with the jog. I hate to admit it, but red meat does give the body more energy.

According to the weather forecasts Sunday’s going to be a rainy day, which is a pain in the behind in regard to the outdoor, Funny Beach market. Supposedly it is going to be a special day, with lots of events, so if it goes through that would be splendid. It’s looking bleak though, which means I might be going to mom’s market to see if I can get a 2nd hand chainsaw if it rains.

Hmmm. Well, that about sums it up. I’ll be keeping track (with photos) of the kitchen project so that I can give y’all a full update once it’s done. That’s it, I’m heading out for some zzzzzs. The day’s been a long one.

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