
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How's that?

Song of the day: “Don’t marry her, have me” by the Beautiful South.

So let’s start out with the fun tidbit. The other day I got invited to come on in for a preliminary interview and cooking experiment for this cooking contest in Gibraltar. Yep, you heard that right, I signed up for another contest, which, if I get to the next round will be on honest to God TV (in Gibraltar that is). How exciting is that…well, the TV part makes me a little, I don’t know, weary? Ah well, let’s first see about getting through this first bit and then we’ll see. Hah.
I will have to do some practice in the next few days, eh?

Well, first there was the trip to the doctor’s yesterday morning. I only had time for coffee and laundry and the cousin Ed and I were off to the village for my appointment. I gotta say that the dude, this dermatologist, wasn’t to write home about. He was distracted (did speak a word of English) somewhat condescending while I tried to explain the problem, and trying to get me out of there ASAP. *sigh* As you might have guessed, he didn’t do a thing except refer me to a plastic surgeon (tomorrow morning) and prescribe me something for my thin hair. (You know, my hair, because it’s thin from the anemia.) Strange fella, I tell ya. He hurried me through the whole thing and then, the moment he delivered me at the reception, muttered something to the receptionist and left to get his coat and mosey on out of the hospital. Like I said, strange fella. Let’s hope that the surgeon is a little less distracted, huh?

But anyway, how glamorous does that sound, right? A plastic surgeon. Now if only I went there for something fun. Not something as icky as a scalp cyst. Darn it.

Once we got home we got to work on the kitchen again, managed to add a little to the wall, and then had to head on out again for some groceries in town. That took a while, since there were several stores to visit, followed by a small food donation of that grocery store again.

Tenant was still feeling under the weather, which as usual, makes her look older than her age. It was so bad that we actually had to get the wheelchair to get her down to the house for her visit with mom. That was a long time ago, which made us all feel bad. Luckily she’s feeling a little better today, and managed the walk on her own.

Yesterday’s supper was a rather wonderful fresh Broccoli soup with newly bought French bread. It went down well after a long day.

Only managed five pages, which, along with today’s measly three doesn’t make for much progress, does it? Darn it. It didn’t help that this morning I had to go out again (like friggin’ tomorrow) to go to my dentist appointment. Was lying on the chair there, when he muttered something about protecting this particular tooth, to which he proceeded to get a drill, file and whatnot to clean out what he later referred to as “some erosion” and what was “almost” a hole.
Afterward he raked this metal pin between every single one of my teeth, which was, oddly uncomfortable and had my mouth feel swollen for the remainder of the afternoon. Seriously, I talked with a sliss for several hours. It was weird.

Worked on the kitchen wall again, and think we have finished the part on which the big front window needs to be set. Yay. It is really starting to look nice, I have to admit, and though there is still some masonry to do, this is a big step.

Had some beef with satay this afternoon, Yay for me. I ate it again. Good thing, too, since after going out again for veggies at the distribution center, and getting more rocks for the wall, we went for a nice run. Not too bad, if you have to know. Not the excruciating stabbing in the side of the foot, anyway, just the normal stuff. Meaning I could do a good run…even a sprint, so double yay! Hah. Knight II on the other hand was totally winy about the whole thing, once we did our round, he couldn't wait to get back in the car, for crying out loud!

Made some Nasi for supper, which worked out well, too. And then got to my writing of the day…however little that was. *sigh* Then came message of me going for the contest, followed by this very blog and me going night-night as soon as I’ve posted it. I’ve got a date with a plastic surgeon come morning, after all. Hah

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