
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We're back to "we'll see"

Song of the day: ...well I've forgotten. That means that I, presently, don't have a song in my head. Yay.

First off, the bad news: Gada, sweet little...well, big Gada, didn't want to get up this morning, and when she did, she stood there, swaying in my living room, looking pale and miserable. Unlike normal days when she would be bouncing around me while I'm fixing dog food. It was sad, but I promised myself I wouldn't let her suffer unduly, and decided to take her to the vet without further ado...I should have done it earlier, since she's often vomiting, but...well, you know.

Anyway, the doc took one look at me, then Gada, and knew what time it was. It was over in just a few minutes, she didn't suffer, she stood in my arms, and then as she slipped away, I (bawling my eyes out a bit) slowly lowered her to the table. Such a sweet dog. It reminded me of how we got her. The vet had refused to put her and a labrador retriever down. Previous owners were having a baby, and didn't want their dogs anymore. So the vet asked if we wanted them, and we did. So basically, Gada had some odd seven years more than her previous owners had planned, and she was a darling.
But anyway, I don't want to wallow in misery over this. Gada had a good life and that is all that matters. Other stuff happened, and I better get to it. Were very busy yesterday, not so much with anything at hope, but...well, busy.

Yesterday. I woke up with a massive headache, originating from the back of my head where the stitches are. Bet you I rolled onto it way too much. Considering I woke up several times, that was definitely the case. Knight's ear has a gazillion stitches in it, and he's very insecure because of it, poor fella. Keeps rubbing against me, stretching out until he's basically on top of me. You'd think he was a friggin' Chihuahua.

Did the whole omelet experiment yesterday. One with herbs, cheese and onion, one with herbs, cheese peppers, one with Parmesan, nopales and tomatoes, one with peppers, onion and beer (to see how it would fluff it up) and one with mushrooms and cheese. Made five of them, all different, all experimental, including the two I did earlier. We all played guinea pig taking bite after bite of each different kind. Had very different results. Had two wins on the nopales, two on the mushroom, two for the peppers, and everyone, except big brother liked the onion, cheese mix. So I went for the latter, combined with some pepper.

After the experiment, big brother and I went to my terrace where we worked on putting together the window for my kitchen, yay. It'll look grand, I tell ya. Afterward we had to head out to get some stuff, and then came home to...well, no supper due to the whole egg experiment. I was still nauseous four hours later, I tell ya.

Only managed a few pages of the rewrite, my head still not feeling entirely right. Am now about halfway through, and am trying to split up my attention between the rewrite and working on letters we are going to be sending out later this winter, in the beginning of spring at the latest. The A.T.O.L. letter is working out well. And we ran through the V.L. letter as well. So much to do, so little time.

So this morning, I woke with a wooden head again. Seriously, my head feels like it is going to fall off if I moved just a fraction too much…so I didn’t move it all that much while going through the motions of the morning chores.
Then, while feeding the dogs, I suddenly noticed that Gada wasn’t bouncing around me. After some looking around, and calling her, I found her standing in the center of my living room looking downright pale, so that’s when I decided…you know.

Not the best day to have this happen, right, but it couldn’t be helped or postponed, so it was done, and grandpa was kind enough to dig a grave for her while we were gone today. No writing today, for the simple reason that there wasn’t time. We had to leave at one so we could visit tenant, prior to driving on to Gibraltar for the contest.

She wasn’t doing bad, on the overall. We found her sitting in a chair to which she said the nurses had carried her. Somehow she’s convinced herself that she now has to start all over, which is ridiculous, of course. We talked for a bit, gave her a couple of books to read, and then helped her to her feet, just to show her that she could indeed still stand. She was weak, but did manage to walk to the bed, just like I told her. Settled her there, seeing as she didn’t feel like lunch, and then said our goodbyes after an hour or so.

And off we were, on to Gibraltar, hoping that we wouldn’t get lost. We didn’t. In fact, I drove right in a single try, and we arrived on site about an hour early. Hah. Went to the restaurant, introduced myself, looked around, and then went out again to fill the remaining hour. I gotta admit, I almost chickened out. I mean seriously, it’s a lot of effort, lots of time (not that I mind either, it is just that I have very little of the latter, hah) and for a moment I wondered if it was worth pitching myself against all those other contestants, only to end up disappointed. Then I thought, what the heck, what’s the worst that can happen? (Well, technically, one of the judges could drop dead, or something) I could lose, but that’s about it. That would just mean that my taste is not theirs, which is not exactly news to me. Hah.

So I went back (after we had some pizza at the PizzaHut. I’ve been dreaming of that since the last time some odd fourteen years ago), set up where I was told to set up, and while chatting with the judges, and listening to the other contestant cooking with me, I made my omelet. It was a close thing. Luckily the lady with me was done faster, meaning that they were tasting her creation for a while, allowing me a few extra precious minutes to finish. Almost didn’t make it, since the heater wasn’t the same as at home, and since the pan was smaller, but I did do it within the time, and placed it on their table in time.

It appears they liked it, in particular the herbs I used, as well as the structure, so we’ll see. Apparently I’m going to hear whether I made it on Friday. Hah. What do you think? Should I be looking forward to more consumption of precious time, or should I hope that I don’t get through this round, so I won’t need to travel to Gibraltar again? Hmmm. Let’s just go back to: We’ll see, eh?

But, be that as it may, we were back on our way out of Gibraltar within fifteen minutes, only to end up in a two hour line at the border. *sigh* Luckily big brother had his computer with him, allowing me to write half this blog while we waited endlessly. The trip took just a little under two hours, bringing us home at nine thirty, yay. Mean’s we’ve been gone for more than eight hours, for crying out loud. Yikes. But I admit that the plus of this day was that I had no time to think of Gada, which is a good thing in my book.

Well, that’s about it then. Time, almost, for some serious zzzzzs on my part. Signing off.

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