
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Completely Useless

Song of the day: “The Climb” by…don’t hold this against me…Miley Cyrus. Hah. Just kidding. It’s not a bad song, just a tad, ya know, Hannah Montana. But okay, there are worse songs to have in your head for sure. Like yesterday I had Chubawamba with “I get knocked down”. Talk about a stuck record.

So the past couple of days. They’ve been a tad strange, I’ll admit. Yesterday was a genuine disaster for as far as I was concerned. I hardly slept a wink, my foot, totally killing me, which meant that I couldn’t walk on it at all in the morning. Seriously. I would try to put my heel down, but my body just refused. Had to phone grandpa to ask if he could bring me one of tenant’s old canes and the arnica gel I had in my purse. I was completely worthless for the beginning of the day. I basically sat around with my foot up, stretching, trying, time and again to see if I could stand on it. I could, but not until later in the day, after some writing and printing out some business cards for Samaya Photography. They worked out rather nicely, if I do say so myself. Balanced, professional, pretty. I like it.

Had to go to the vet, of course. Knight II needs to be checked every day. Was mighty interesting, limping my way into there, and then sitting down on the floor to have him lie down for the vet to treat him. His foot didn’t look bad, and since the other one burst, that swelling isn’t doing all that bad. Yay.

There was cooking involved, which was late because big brother and I had to do some groceries. Were out of practically all dairy stuff…which isn’t strange since we haven’t done any serious groceries in a while. Just bits and pieces here and there.

Normal chores such as laundry got done, naturally. Had planned to do some Spanish, but didn’t get around to that, much to my regret. Am trying to read some Spanish in a book, you know, acclimating myself to it some more, when I can. There’s always time for reading…or at least, there should be.

Then today, more writing, of course. Am working my way through the new scenes anyway. Another trip to the vet, which is standard by now, isn’t it? Another one tomorrow…which will be market day for Cousin Ed and me, of course.

Neither tenant not Sally were doing well today, nor was little sister. Wonder what that is all about? Some bug, maybe? Hope I don’t catch it, considering we’ll be starting on the new job on Tuesday (probably). Had to go out for that today, as a matter of fact. Had to order a new liner for the pool, but luckily the liner was in stock, so we took it right along. Meaning we can go there any day now. Tuesday will be soon enough. Hah.

Did spent several hours taking care of tenant today. Caregiver, grandpa and Sally, the latter of which both had an appointment at the hospital in Marbella today. The other day grandpa got some disturbing news about his blood INR being too thin (near 6 while a normal adult should have 1 and he should have somewhere between 3 and 4) and doctor warned him to be extremely careful while not taking his medication for two least until his blood thinness is not as bad anymore. Poor grandpa, those medics are totally messing stuff up for him.

Watched Oblivion with Tom Cruise tonight during the blog. Not a bad movie, even though it missed something. At least it had the pacing of an old-fashioned movie, which I liked. And the acting was good. Also nice. The stuff that I felt was missing…well, that’s in the details that I won’t bore you with right now. Hah.

What else. Cousin Ed and Grandpa took a shelving unit up from the old pool apartment. That, and a small cupboard, I want to set up in the future kitchen. All the stuff that we have floating around in the courtyard is driving me friggin’ bonkers, so this should sort that out a little.

But anyway, I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow, so I better get to bed.

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