
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 17, 2014

R.I.P. Sama

Song of the day: “Here I am” by Brian Adams, of course. It’s been a while since I had any Adams in my head, so that’s a nice change. Yesterday, strangely enough, it was Michael Bublé’s “Haven’t met you yet”, so maybe it’s connected. Hah.

Still working, but only two more days to go ‘till two weeks notice if over and don with. Nothing’s resolved yet, so there’s really nothing more I can say than, we’ll see.

As you can see in the last post, Doing It The Gangster way (did you get the double pun, by the way? The sexual innuendo, is obvious, of course, but the other? Huh? Huh? Remember how I was asked to revise it three times, adding more and more about the gangster angle so it’d be nice an dark? Well, voila. This is the gangster way. I am resolved to also publish the original, which was just downright sweet. They you can decide for yourself which was better.) where was I…right. Doing It the Gangster came on life, available for those who are interested…and don’t forget to post a review, please, pretty please…with a cherry on top? *wink*

Okay, that was my shameless self-promotion for ya. If you can’t do that on your own blog, then I don’t know where.

On a sad note, to have out of the way, today Sama, our 16 year old husky passed, peacefully and without any fuss. Gawd, I still remember when we first got her and her brothers and sisters. We had bought Akata (white male) at a breeder for big brother, back in ’97, because he wanted a pup he could train properly, and a year later, we discovered that said breeder still had the majority of Akata’s litter, which included Sama, Dhiti, Puma, and Tadaika I, all of whom he’d been unable to sell…the same went for three bobtails, so rather than have him put them all down, which was his other option, we offered to take the lot off him, to which he agreed. So, in the spring of ’98, we were seven dogs richer, and have enjoyed their company in the years that followed. Now Sama was the last one to go, which is a pity, but not something I want to be sad about. She had a wonderful life, knew freedom after spending the first year of her life in a 3 by 8 foot cage (they were all agoraphobic—afraid of wide open spaces—when we first got them), ate well, was loved, and what more can anyone ask for really.

Knight had to go for his checkup to the vet this morning, and regarding his pneumonia the vet said he was okay. He still coughs once or twice a day, but he’s eating well (gained a total of eight pounds since he’s home) and is making a pest of himself again being snarky to Fortuyn. They got into a fight the day before yesterday, leaving Knight with a big scratch on his cheek, while Fortuyn has a hole under his chin and in the back of his neck. Stupid boys, I tell ya…though admittedly it’s the girls in the packs that are usually the problem. Girl dogs will rip each other apart while the boys will just posture and snarl a lot.
But anyway, while we were there, she had a look at this black small lump on his skin, and decided that it was better to remove it, because it was growing so fast. It had me worried a little, but the procedure involved a small injection at the spot, tweezers and scissors and two stitches afterward. Phew. Such a relief.

I got stabbed by a wasp the day before yesterday. Am having some sort of allergic reaction to is, since the majority of my lower arm has been swollen ever since. Hurts like heck too, not to mention that I have a patch of about three inches in diameter that is hot and red. Today the pain turned into itching, though, so I might be on the mend at last.

Am going to be doing some cooking later on (it being my free day and all) something like a pumpkin squash, buckwheat burgers and something really veggie tonight. Yay. But first I’m going to do a workout. I need it. It’s been weeks since I managed to fit one in, and it really is time that I use these ol’ joints properly for a change.

The foot. At the moment it’s not too bad, but I have good days and bad days in that regard. I can’t really find a pattern there. I do know that I didn’t drink my habitual glass of wine last night, and this morning I could hardly stand on the darn thing. Might be that the revreratol and antioxidants have something to do with that. I’ll have to try having some again tonight and see if I have less trouble standing on my foot tomorrow morning.

Writing. Haven’t done a lot of it, this past week. Mostly because…well, no time, seeing as we spend a couple of evenings getting Doing It the Gangster Way on the Kindle program. Also because we had to prepare a package for Saving Nina, which we’re sending out to publishers again. Strangely enough, all that takes a ridiculous amount of precious time. *sigh*

Did read a rather wonderful romance novel. I’ll post the review I did for it soon. You should really see about getting it if you’re into old fashioned romance, as in, no sex but lots of sweetness. I really enjoyed it.

What else? I’m sure I’m missing something, but for the life of me I can’t think of a single thing. Thinking…thinking….thinking some more…

Right, the MOT is coming up again, meaning that we have to have the car checked at the garage again for the basics. There go the savings. *sigh* Ah well, I’m not expecting big disasters in that regard. For the moment the Land Rover is running rather well. *knock on wood*

Grandpa is still having a lot of trouble adjusting to the changes, which is not surprising since he’s on his own a lot. Not that he needs us to hold his hand, or anything, but it is hard on him, I can see it, in particular since we were all used to working together a lot. He flourished then, and now you can see his age, if you get my meaning. It doesn’t help that there’s not a lot to do now, not little projects to keep life interesting, since our hobby area is gone completely, and that we lost a lot of the tools in all the messes that were caused during break down. Several of them ended up in he rain, which is lethal for electrical tools. In this regard (grandpa) the job ending is a good thing. We’ll be home more a bit, at least until we find something else. Hopefully it will settle him a little, make him feel less lonely. Sally, cousin Ed and tenant were good friends of his, and he misses their presence, I think…heck, so do I.

No news yet from town hall, but mom did deliver pictures to show that we removed what we were ordered to remove, so let’s hope that that’s enough to have this whole thing disappear for once and for all.

Labhana is getting worse by the day, I fear. Even grandpa is noticing it these days, and he’s not one to notice such things until it is really bad. I’m trying one more thing, a herbal mix, to try to alleviate her pain, but if that doesn’t work, I’m not going to drag out her suffering just because I don’t “like” having to make that decision. I would find selfish of myself, not to mention cruel, so…yeah, need to get that decision set in my head.

The weather is still agreeable, despite that we really need some serious rain before summer, because the country isn’t even green at the moment, which it should be this time of year. We had three, maybe four decent rainy days this winter and that simply won’t do. We’re suffering from a drought, clearly.

Well, this is going to have to be it. I don’t remember anything else worth mentionable, and I do want my workout before the day is through. I’ll be back…I hope.

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