
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Safari job

Song of the day: “Wrecking ball” by Miley, of course. I don’t have this version in my head a lot, but it does occasionally pop by.

What’s been going on? Not a whole lot, really, just daily grind stuff that is going to bore you to death, but what can I do. Life is vastly basic at the moment…although, for the good part I got the job I applied for…not that I’ve actually worked yet (weather does not permit it yet, I fear) but I went on the interview, got the call and congratulations and everything, so, Yay! One worry less.
Oh, right, did I get around to saying what the job was for? No? Well, it’s a part time driver/guide job or Land Rover Safari’s here in Andalucía. Yep, yours truly is going to race through the countryside (nothing new there, mind you) going to remote spots (same goes) and hauling about tourists for the summer (that’s new, at least. Hah) for a change.
Anyway, I was supposed to get my “training” this week, but what with the miserable weather it just hasn’t happened yet.
The interview went nicely, I think. They were a nice duo, with a whole information packet containing answers to questions I never even thought of asking. Hah. Anyway, by the time they asked me if I had any questions, I couldn’t think of a single one. Four days later I got the call saying I’d done well, and that I could expect a call for my training…for which I am still waiting now, but what the heck.
Anyway, as soon as I meet with them again, I will ask them if I can put up a link to their website over here, that way y’all can have a sneak peek and check it out…now don’t get it in your head to schedule a Safari with me as a guide, as a surprise. Seriously, it would totally freak me out to have to do a spiel to people I actually know. I mean, really, I’m going to have to do talks of the local flora and fauna, the countryside…I got some serious studying ahead of me, considering that I doubt anyone is going to enjoy me telling them of local legends involving ghosts and such. Hah.
No matter, though, I’ll figure something out when the time comes; keep  things interesting for everyone involved.

Just got the call; will be going on my first tour tomorrow. Yay.

Did some more experimenting with cooking, but not much. Did bake a rather delicious apple/pear pie for mum’s birthday last week. Had been keeping an eye open for a proper present for weeks, but didn’t stumble on anything that jumped out at me, so instead I made the pie. It was yummy.
Had a wonderful noodle dish the other day. Fresh stir fry veggies (al dente) then the noodles through it, and a smooth satay. My mouth waters just thinking about it.

Had to pick up a friend from the airport the other day. I left a little early to go to the nearby industrial area. There’re these big Chinese supermarkets where you can buy affordable peanut butter (it is not something the Spanish provide, and when they do, it’s rather bland in taste. The one from the Chinese stores comes from Belgium, and is vastly more edible). As I had expected, the two places that have the product were difficult to find. Found one, meaning I could only buy six pots (had wanted more so we could save on not needing another trip in the near future), but had to give up on the other due to a lack of time.

Not the nicest of areas there, I’ll admit. It’s very much like a maze, with lots of one-way roads…not to mention streetwalkers (hookers for those unfamiliar with the term) who sit or stand by the side of the road and are waving and whistling at me when I drive past in a Land Rover. They don’t actually stop trying to lure me until I’m close enough for them to recognize that I am not exactly their average client. Hah. Anyway, I always find it a little sad to see these girls/women in their skimpy clothes, out in the chilly winter air, hoping for a buck or two by doing something nasty.

Anyway, I arrived at the airport only two minutes late, so no harm done. Was afraid I wasn’t going to make it at all, but there you have it. Basically I pulled up to the curve while my friend was walking down from the main entrance.

Had a small job, adding some more shelving units in a local store. A half a day’s work, at most, but still, it was nice to do…in particular since another friend works at the store, and we get to chat a little while I was busy with the shelves.

Also went to dinner with two friends. They were house/dogsitting, so I got to do the cooking in this massive, wonderful kitchen that finally had a counter at a proper height for me. Seriously, except for the colors used (gray and white) I would kill for a kitchen like that. It was awesome…and the company was fun, and the wine good, so all in all, a very nice evening.

Another dinner was at a vegetarian restaurant in town, where they were doing a buffet of vegan dishes, as a promotional kind of thing. Was a nice evening with three Danish people, three Finnish people, and me. Conversation was a chaotic mix of Danish, Finnish, English and German, which certainly kept stuff interesting while we all tried out the dishes available. Not bad food at all, but for some reason it reminded me of when I was little, eating at my dad’s place. That food came from the vegetarian kitchens as well, and for some reason the tastes were very similar. Not bad, just…I don’t know, connected to long gone times, I suppose.

Heard recently that Ryanair is aiming to have the possibility of 14 bucks tickets to the US, in the next five years, or so, so a trip over there is definitely becoming a possibility. I have some folks to visit over there, after all, not to mention country sides to explore if the opportunity arises. Imagine that. Me, in the States! Aaaaaah! Better hide! Hah. Seriously, though, imagine the blog posts while I travel there. Oh that would be fun.

What else? Well, for titillating effect to today’s blog: We did groceries this Monday. Yes, exciting, isn’t it. Honey was on sale, so I bought a whole batch of them, meaning that there are pots of honey in every available spot throughout the kitchen. Hah. Did do some drooling at the DIY store. Our drills are slowly dying from frequent use, so we’re keeping an eye out for a new one on sale somewhere. The fact that this means standing in the power tool section for a while, ogling all the pretty “toys”, well, I’ll just have to suffer through that. *wink*

Been doing an average of three to four days a week visits to the Gym, which has been nice. 45 minutes to an hour of sweating, which is good for the body and for the mind. Added to that, we’ve now figured out which time of the day is best to basically have the gym to ourselves, or at least so quiet that you can go from one machine to the next without having to wait your turn. Added to that, we’re starting to recognize some of the regulars, which means that there’s some interaction and that’s always fun.
Have been slowly increasing the weights that I’m using. Started out with 30 to 65 pounds, depending on the machine, and am now at 50 to 100 pounds, depending on the machine. And I'm doing about half a mile to 1 mile on the running machines, which is good to get the blood flowing, if nothing else. Also, three days a week I am able to do some kick boxing which adds to the fun Yay!

There are, of course, the usual stuff happening, laundry, dishes, cleaning (all the fun stuff, I know) that I won’t bore you with, no worries.
Did do some writing, as I should. Have passed the quarter mark of the new book, so…onto the half!!! Yay! Am still liking the characters, so that is good, don’t know yet how the whole plot is going, though, but I guess I’ll find out whether what is there is working when I do the first edit.

Which brings us to the end of today’s blog. I’m sure there is more to share, but some of it is not my story to share, and other things are just too friggin’ boring to mention. Hah.

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