
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

R.I.P. Grandpa Jack

Grandpa at his best

No song of the day, today, I fear. Just a post to let y’all know that as of this morning Grandpa passed away at the hospice just short of eighty years in life. His heart didn’t manage to hold out, and so the body had to concede defeat regardless of the willing spirit.

Visited him yesterday, sat with him for a few hours, and managed to talk with him a little, despite his overwhelming exhaustion. Weird to see him that way, withered, old…and very fragile. To see that picture in your mind of him vitally climbing fences and trees no less than two years ago, only to have him practically disappear in a white sheeted hospital-like bed…I severely dislike that. It will be a long time before that last image of him will disappear and only the good will remain.

Anyway, he didn’t see very well, partly because of the exhaustion, but he knew I was there. We had a few moments together where we managed to talk. I had to ask him if he was scared, because grandpa was often plagued by fears, and he said that he was—just a little. More because of the unknown, the “what will happen next” than anything else, and because he always had this nasty belief that his karma was bad due to his past lives, explaining much of his difficult life…this is one thing I dislike about the whole karma belief; it makes no sense to suffer for something that you can’t remember, does it? I don’t believe that it works that way, makes no sense.

So, anyway, we talked quietly about our thoughts and beliefs, and how I thought that he did well, and did exactly what he was supposed to in life…especially when he admitted that he was afraid that he hadn’t always done his best. That made me sad. Had to assure him he did it right, and that he was great friend and grandpa, and that he would have to take my word for it if he didn’t think so himself.
“I’ll try,” were his words, after which he assured me that he’d always loved us even when he couldn’t say it…not a man of many words, grandpa.
After that, and holding hands for a bit, we returned to more mundane subjects before he practically ordered us to piss off, and claimed he needed his sleep.

He went to sleep just a little while later and didn’t wake up anymore, which is good, because he was so very tired of all the suffering. Frequent reports during the evening and morning, indicated that he was departing rapidly, his breathing becoming choppy. He didn’t suffer in the end, the nurses say, he just…stopped, and I gotta say that for him that is the best thing that could have happened.

So, how to wrap this up…rest in peace, Grandpa? No. I’m going to end it on: It was good knowing you!

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