
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New idea for Vampires and...remodeling, of course.

Plenty of dreams during this night that didn’t actually leave a good enough impression for me to remember details that would allow for a proper description in today’s Blog. I do remember that there was something about the dogs, and perhaps even a puppy, which is always a tiring but happy occasion…in dreams that is. And I had one of those A-Ha experiences, which I remember trying to lock in my brain for later references, repeating (in the dream) “I gotta remember this one. I just gotta!” which I then proceeded not to do.

The monsters wake me several times, of course. Two hours before waking time, Knight II actually goes as far as dragging the blankets straight off the bed, sending me hurling after him, in hopes of catching them before they hit the floor. I fail, and roll out of bed to pick them up and smack the Dane on his butt to let him know that his antics aren’t appreciated. Unimpressed he just stares at me, and is literally nodding at the door as if saying “can we go out yet?”. Aaaargh.

Still half asleep, I remake the bed and then tumble back into it and snooze for a couple hours more before the alarm announces that it is time to rise, with Knight II of course bouncing right back on the bed to flop down on top of me.

Relatively rested, I face the day with actually being in the mood to get to my workout for some reason. I know, it baffled me too, can’t explain it. It has been months since I felt like doing the strenuous exercises, and yet there it was, making me hurry through the morning rituals to get down to the house prior to the awakening of the sibs.

I’m halfway into the session, just finishing my warm ups and moving towards the boxing bag while wrapping the supportive bands of the protective gloves around my wrists, when big brother and grandpa arrive. They’re right on time too, considering I need a spotter for the last five-jab session, and when today’s workout is over I’ve worked up a nice sweat that make me run for the bathroom before I catch a cold.

The shower over and done with I feed Yadzia, have my own breakfast and set the computer up at the kitchen table. There are a few messages today, but I go through them rapidly and start on the last bit of editing for big brother’s beginning of the vampire novel. I add another half page and then switch over to a new file to write down an idea I have for another short story.

A vampire tale, of course: The theme is sorta stuck in our brain at the moment, and it distracts me from the psychic story enough to have me write down a three page start in the hours that follow.
It has some interesting premises, I admit, finding the beginning to be rather “in the thick of things” once I put it down and see the characters developing with every word written down.

The names are there, along with certain character traits that are bound to make them a pleasure to write about. The cop VS the vampire this time: It should make for an interesting combination with lots of conflict that is certainly going to spice the story up once I get the ball rolling.
It makes me wonder where the story will take me that’s a fact.
I work well past twilight, and don’t get up to fix dinner until after seven. An entire dish of yesterday’s shepherd’s pie is still filled to the top and while I nuke it, I make a quick salad to fill in any gaps the small portions available leave.

Though a bit sore from this morning’s workout–it was a little bit longer than usual due to the fact that I was “in the mood”–I digest the meal for only a few minutes before I return to the kitchen to start the dishes and cleanup prior to continuing the seemingly everlasting remodeling project.

All this talk/writing about the kitchen remodeling project makes me wonder how boring it really seems for readers, but then, I haven’t had complaints so far. This Blog is definitely turning out to be “life as it is”, on the overall. Nothing fancy, nothing exciting, just…LIFE.

First task up is getting the newly painted cabinet inside. It’s a rather unmanageable construction, and it takes quite a bit of effort to carry it into the house from the courtyard where we’d put it to dry last night. I’ve crossed half of the way when I see big brother and grunt for him to lift the other side before it slips from my grasp.

Once it’s deposited on top of the recently cleared counter, I stare at the rather big size of it, wondering how the heck I’m going to get it up against the wall over the window for attachment without breaking something in the process. In the end I take a strip of already painted MDF that came off the bar, and drill holes into the wall to hang it up.

Next, I call one of the sibs to come down and help me, and am pleased to see middle sister heading down the stairs, to climb in top of the counter to aid me.
It takes a bit of hassle, with the side of the darn cabinet slamming against my eye socket, but in the end we manage to get the cabinet hung in such a fashion that it won’t come loose anytime soon.

A little later, after applying the last layer of paint and having shifted to the task of hanging a small shelve in one of the large openings that lead onto the closed off veranda–we wish to place our only living plant there–I’m in the midst of drilling holes when the electricity goes off.

Big brother is busy hanging the lights between the top cabinets of the kitchen, messing with the power feed and casting us into semi darkness when he finds that the wires are such a mess that easy connecting is out of the question.

I end up standing under the ladder, he needs to reach the wires, for at least thirty minutes until at long last the power is turned on again and we can finish up for the night.

After using silicone kit on the main drain once more, cleanup get done by the sisters and I until around midnight I manage to settle behind my computer for a bit and play with ideas for the story before it’s time to get ready to return to my cabin.

The dogs need to be fed, Yadzia needs his fifth injection, and I still have some messages to answer.

Wonder what tomorrow ‘ll bring?

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