
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Early day and a dogfight. Aaargh.

Another quickie post it’s going to be today.
Exam day is rapidly drawing near…just 36 hours to go, and rather than linger on it, I’m going to postpone thoughts about the entire event until the moment is actually there. Hah…and tomorrow is the last practice run in the actual area, so I’m just going to bed early tonight and hope that I can keep my head completely blank.

So what happened today? Not bloody much, I fear. It was literally freezing this night, forcing me to leave the heater on during the hours of darkness just to be remotely comfortable. I wake up two hours earlier this morning, knowing full well that if I want to get anything done I’m going to need those up-front hours to get a few edit pages in.

It works too, since we add three more to the whole, do some minor chores and then head to town for our lessons. We take along the liner packages we gathered in the old pool, stuffing them on top of the car and dropping them off at the local landfill before it’s on to school where our instructor arrives ten minutes after us.

We make our payments, both for today and tomorrow, and then head out. It goes remarkable well today; making me to hope that the course I do today will be the one for the actual exam, ‘cause this one is so easy compared to the others.
I guess we’ll have wait and see, however. Maybe I’ll get the disastrous one from Friday, instead. That would be just my luck. Aaargh.

But anyway, after the lesson, it lasted three friggin’ hours again, so with the drive to town that makes a whopping five hours from our day that really could be used for more useful chores, darn it, we still have the main groceries ahead of us.

Little sister and a close family friend already did the sporadic groceries during our instructions, so those, at least, are over and done with. With our carts we head inside, going through the aisles one at a time, tossing in the supplies we need and then heading for the checkout counter to load it all out again.

This task, billing everything and putting it back in the carts, actually takes longer than the entire “finding what we need” process, and afterwards we still need to put everything in bags and load it up in the back of the truck. An hour and a half later we’re heading back home.

Since the two remaining sibs spent their time cleaning out the supply closets while we were gone, everyone is on their own for dinner. But it doesn’t matter, we’re all too tired anyway, so it’s little more than a snack once everything is put away and we can relax a little.

We make an attempt to do some more editing, but end up alternating between staring blankly at the screen and picking ticks off the dogs instead. Finally we decide to call it an early night and head on up to our respective quarters in hopes of getting an early start in the morning.

While I’m letting my dogs out of the courtyard, Amos–little brother’s mini-boxer–decides to come messing around, creating such havoc that Sitabah and Lhabanah end up pouncing on each other. The Weimeraner and Labrador are involved in a fierce battle, and since it is dark and the other dogs are more than happy to join in the melee. I decide to let them have it out, rather than risk an intervention.

I’ve had “fighting” dogs before, and if humans get involved, the issue will never get resolved. One of them is going to have to give, and I can only hope that one will, before they do each other some serious damage.

Three minutes later, by the time I reach my cabin, chasing the other dogs up so they will leave the two alone, both combatants give up. They’re limping and bleeding a little but are pretty blasé about the entire thing. Lithely, Sitabah jumps on the bed, leaving Lhabanah to circle around it. Stupid bitches.

Strange, huh. Here females are considered to be the weaker sex, while in nature females are far more ferocious than males.
The males will do some posturing, throw a few punches–so to speak–and then cheerily continue on their way. Females on the other hand go for each other’s throats and will tear each other from limb to limb, given half a chance. Makes ya think. Hah.

But anyways, after feeding the dogs and doing some relaxation reading from a Julie Garwood novel, I get to work on the Blog and prepare for a short session on the Net to wrap up my day.

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