
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's starting to look "totaled". *sigh*

Well, today was a doozy, when it concerns activities. I had to get up three hours prior to my usual waking time, because (our tenant’s) caretaker and I needed to head to the village, town and the city to make all the arrangements for the car.

First up, is the insurance company; as it turns out all is paid up, and everything is covered. Phew. Admittedly it takes several hours to figure it all out, but by the time we head out to the rental we have an address where the towing service brought out car, and we can head to our own garage to confirm that we’ll have the truck towed to them later.

That done, having been on the road for three hour, we’re on our way to Marbella, where we manage to actually find the garage where our truck was brought to.
Regretfully it is already too late in the morning, since the shop has closed for lunch, so instead caretaker and I decide to head for the chain supermarket that we usually frequent, and do our bimonthly shopping to kill time.

Afterwards we tour a little through the city, visiting old places where she used to work and then the hour has arrived: We get to see the poor, damaged truck, which is lilting to the ground like a badly battered warrior who fought a battle too many. Strangely enough the sight reminds me of that old Disney movie where “Herbie” had been wrecked and was standing miserably in the dust.

It’s a sorry sight, and looking at it, alternating between peculiar laughter and sadness, I have to admit that I’ll be surprised if the garage will be able to fix it in the price range that we can afford.

On the overall it seems that the hood is about a foot shorter than it’s supposed to be. The right side wheel is bent; the front looks like a Transformer waiting to bite, and on the inside, the foot space has come up at least half a foot as well. The damage makes me rather proud that the truck did such an excellent job of protecting its occupants…tis just regretful that it had to have been so extensive.

Poor little truck: it keeps going through my mind while we dig out the papers and anything else that made it through the crash-including our tenant’s wheelchair, which weathered the storm just fine in the back. And then spend more than an hour arranging for the tow truck through faulty phone connections, ever-repeating call-waiting music, until at last all is arranged for, leaving it up to the service to bring it to our regular garage.

The drive home is spent, rehashing the accident, and caretaker trying to locate the exact location. A quick trip in town, where a few final purchases need to be made, and then we’re home, exhausted after six hours that, albeit successful were rather draining.

The dogs are insane when I arrive, of course. None of them appreciate having been “alone” for that long a time and they jump and bark at me for several minutes before they finally quiet down enough to allow me to give the family a full report of today’s events.

While I was away, big brother has spent the majority of the hours, working on getting one of the books on Mobipocket, which appears to be a suitable substitute for Kindle, since we’re in Spain and can’t actually publish on Kindle. There are still a few minor hitches that we need to look into, but once we do, it should work out.

Also, taking the horrid option in consideration that we won’t be able to afford the repairs of the damage to the car, he has been looking around for the prices of a occasion vehicles and the price range we’re going to have to consider.

Well, I’ll have to continue in the morning, cause I’m seriously exhausted, but those were pretty much the broad strokes. We shuffled around some rocks, just to keep busy, there were chores like laundry, and starting on putting down tubing for a tap on the new terrace, but that’s about it.

On to tomorrow…hopefully with several hours of sleep under my belt. Hah.

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