
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Song of the day: “Time is on my side” by the Rolling Stones…at least I think it’s from them. No matter, it was stuck in my head.

I’m nicely on time this morning, though I would have liked to stay in bed a bit longer, but then, that is nothing new. Another sunny day in Spain, still not scorching hot, which is really a blessing. You can’t believe how much we’re saving on not having to use the small individual Acs all the time. Well, I don’t have one, but it’s the thought that counts.

The dogs are going bonkers when I wake up, of course; I was dreaming something about making a big load of dog food, in the pool of all places. Hah. Not the pool is such a bad idea; back in the day, we did make dog food in a bathtub…a full one, but still, I have no idea where that dream came from.

I’m no sorer today than I usually am in the morning, which is strange, considering I hauled about twenty wheelbarrows of dirt up the mountain. We were emptying the gutter that runs down, and since we had to fill the last plant container anyway, we decided to dump it in there. Not funny to do, in the full sunshine; heck it’s not fun to do any day, but we did manage the chore, ending up totally bushed.

For some reason, the day before yesterday, I hurt my knee…the one Knight II dislocated a while back…again, so off and on I’m obliged to put a support around it. Walking on itself didn’t hurt all that much, it still does, but when I sit down, or stand still then it hurts like heck.

Anyway, today I head down to the house for the chores, and then we settle down for the edit. It doesn’t go really well, but still we manage to slosh our way through a few more pages. I don’t know what the heck is wrong, but editing is NOT going well at all this week. Grrr.

Having gone through the set hours, we head into the garden for outside work. I set up the frame for the reed mats, and middle sister starts making cement, so I can plaster the new wall behind the pantry, and little brother can finish up the outside edges of his bedroom window.
While the sisters start weaving new mats, I haul the cement into the house, and back out again behind the pantry and get to work. It takes only forty-five minutes or so to even out the piece of wall, and why I’m done, I decide to take the outside stairs to get back to the other part of the yard.

It isn’t easy, what with the undergrowth having sprung up in the past few months, but in the end, I do manage to return to the main garden, where I finish up the last bit of cement on a piece of rock-wall - the last one that still needs to be built. Afterwards, I join big brother and grandpa in the carport. For the duration of the day, they have been putting the finishing touches to the tool-shed area under the carport roof. While they work on the walls of the area, I start making holding bars for tools.

The knee, I still bothering me, darn it, but at least it didn’t stop me from continuing with the projects. A few more things get done and that is always a good thing. I’m really going to have to post some pictures soon, just to show off, you understand, describing it all just won’t do it any justice.

Around dusk we are obliged to finish up with the day’s work and head into the house for dinner, cuddling the dogs and what other chores still need to be dealt with before I can sit down and work on today’s blog.

I’m a tad tired…nothing unusual about that, of course…and I still have another edit to look forward to, Yay! (yes, that was sarcasm, hah) Well, that sort of wraps up today’s events. Time to do the same to the blog, and then get ready to head up to my cabin.

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