
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Anniversary of 1 year. YAY.

365 days of blogs…okay, admittedly for the past month or so I haven’t done one every day, but I did describe every single day in some shape or form. Wow, who’d have thunk that I’d keep it up, but there you have it. Now it would be grand if I had some sort of amazing thing to write down on this momentous day, but nope, just another couple of normal days for as far as I can see.
So, let’s get to it. Hah.

Song of the day: “Mushaboom” by Feist. There was another one, earlier in the morning, but for the life of me I can’t remember it.

Yesterday. Yeah, okay. I feel a tad mush and I can’t remember all the details all that well. Lemme think…well, there was the proofreading corrections. Minor stuff really, but still working up some enthusiasm at the moment is, like, hard. Hah. It had nothing to do with the story, but everything with my state of mind, I think.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The day had started about an hour earlier than usual, but still I felt like I was running behind, due to the fact that my internal clock insisted that it was an hour later than wintertime decreed. There was lots of stuff to do; laundry, of course, and big brother finally got around to checking out the washing machine and dealing with the clogging problem. It works again, thankfully.

Same goes for the kitchen sink, which has a tendency to get clogged every month or so. While he was doing that, I took the opportunity to clean the top of the hanging cabinet. There was like a mile of dust on it, and after cleaning the lamps and “pretty stuff” they actually had color again.
Seriously, who’s got time for any real cleaning? I mean, I work for five hours on the computer, do six with whatever project we’re into at the moment, maybe manage half an hour run, do my chores and then just barely have time to drop face down on my bed. Where the heck do I fit in cleaning? Hah.

Anyways, after the short cleaning session, it was time to get to work on the manuscript. Reading gets done, the corrections of another chapter made, and before ya know it, it’s time to shift gears to start on the other projects.

There’s a blank wall in the new office (you know, where we removed the fabric shelves) and since we need more storage space, little sister and I head up to the old horse stable to get wood for a new cabinet that I intend to hang there. There are quite a few sections left of when we put the sibs’ closet together, so armed with those we start construction.

In less than two hours, we have a new cabinet…putting it together was interrupted when the dogs got hold of one of the puppies and almost killed it (nature can be so cruel sometimes). For a moment there I thought the poor thing was going succumb from shock, but after some firm prodding and talking to it, he started breathing again. We pumped the little one full with rescue remedy (flower essences that work miracles for shock) and honeyed watered to give it an energy burst, and though he is still breathing a little labored (there’s some bruising around his throat I think, for which he’s getting homeopathic Arnica) and jerky, he’s well on the mend now. Gawd, stuff like that isn’t good for our hearts. Shock went all round, the way such a snafu usually does.
Stupid Pointers. They can be so sneaky that way.

But anyway, we hung the new cabinet over the couch, (the little one with us since our tenant’s caretaker needed some reassurance and thus, company) and put in the last slats of the round terrace doors that lead to the office. It is already a pleasure to sit in the place, and Knight II really loves the couch, especially when he can chase the other dogs out of it just by using his sheer bulk. Hah.
There were a few more chores afterwards, which I won’t bore you with, along with another quick run of about three miles. It didn’t go as smooth as the day before, but I still managed to go the distance interrupted by a few fast-paced walks just to get my breath. I wonder how long it will take me to be able to go the whole distance in one piece.

After dinner…and midnight, I was more than ready to call it a day and conked out once I’d fed my dogs, gave medications to the ones that need it every single day, and just barely managing to brush my teeth. Boy, did I pass out fast. Hah.

And that bring us to today once again: Another beautifully sunny day with comfortable temperatures over twenty degrees and a bright autumn sun. Basically slept through the night, which was rather necessary since yesterday was a doozy.
I woke up early, we fully intend to change our routines a little now that day time is so short, and headed down to the house for the usual morning chores. Laundry, of course and cleaning another part of the living room…things are really too messy for words after so much time spent on projects, while leaving cleaning on a back burner…and then breakfast before starting on today’s computer session.

As is habit, there’s a quick tour over the news channels and the likes, which brings us to today’s off-course topic for a moment:
So there’s a lot of pooha going on about the Mayan Calendar saying that in 2012 the world will come to an end. Now personally this didn’t bother me all that much, (hardly gave it a thought, actually) since there are lots of such predictions going on all over.
But now, I gotta say I’m starting to think that there might actually be something to it.
If memory serves me right, the official status quo on such things was always denial and derision and yet now the media’s spitting out “official” reports by the dozen where all sorts of scientific folks are saying that the prediction is scientifically wrong and that people shouldn’t worry. Doesn’t all the soothing denial (scientifically based, naturally) make it, in fact, true?

Now, think with me here for a moment. (Let’s do Mel Gibson’s Jerry from “Conspiracy Theory” for a moment and take this waaaaaaay outta there). Who the heck spends money on such research in an economic crisis if there isn’t some truth to it?
Makes a body wonder doesn’t it?
Does official scientific denial not scream that they actually think there might be some truth to it? I’m getting a mental image here…like, they took one look at the data, thought: Holy guacamole! What the hell? And then worriedly dug in to find a proper explanation that wouldn’t make it the horrifying truth.
I mean, seriously, y’all saw the disaster movies of the past with me, right? What’s the first thing the government and scientists do when something disastrous is about to happen (just so the masses won’t panic)?

DENIAL!!! (Denial in tenfold, in fact.) Exactly!

What else can they do, really? I mean, they get confirmation that it’s “the-end-of-the-world”, and they all come together to discuss what they’re gonna do next. What can you do as the responsible leader of “the people”? Tell them, “Yes, there’s a massive piece of rock that is hurling straight towards us (or whatever) so let’s all scream and ritually kill ourselves, and…” Oh wait, I’ve got a better image, they give a press conference, and say: “My fellow humans, do not panic. The world is coming to an end. Let’s build a big fire, sit around it and sing Kumbaya until the moment arrives.”
Duhuuh. That would be, like, so outta there that I can’t even imagine it.
Of course they would deny such a thing in every shape and form. They just have a couple of renowned “experts” shove the prediction ahead for another 200 years and voila: problem gone.
Yep, I can see it happen that way. *sigh*

Fascinating, isn’t it? Gotta love a good conspiracy theory.
Now, I could start worrying about the future, but what else is there to do than live life to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it, no matter how long, or how short it would be?
I could get depressed by the finiteness of life, I could be hit by a soaring asteroid today, get smashed by a speeding car and whatnot at any moment so I’ve got a choice here. I can sit down and wait for disaster to strike at some point in the future, or…enjoy myself, be the best I can be and improve quality of life while I’m at it. Is there really any other option? I don’t think so.

But anyway, after this rather intriguing bit of news (don’t get me started on politics because you won’t be able to shut me up until…ehm, 2012. Hah) it was time to get to work on the manuscript corrections. We did another chapter, leaving only two to go for the entire manuscript, yay.

I also wrote another page or so for the untitled, which is always a pleasure. The hero is starting to shape up nicely, and there are some marvelous ideas for the heroine too. I wish there were more hours in the day, so I could devote more time to writing it, but until the day comes where I actually have real time again, I'll just enjoy the short writing sessions.

Next up, is heading up to the carport where I spent some time repairing a triple picture frame of wood, that broke in six places, after which little sister helped me haul the metal file cabinet up too, so I could put wheels underneath it. This means drilling hole in lots of metal, but in the end I did manage to get all four wheels underneath, which run grandly on the tiles in the office.

The younger sibs were working on their own projects, (little sister was doing hinges for her wardrobe, middle sister continued painting her room)and grandpa and big brother made a reading stand for our tenant, who’s been having some trouble holding a book since her stroke.

The puppy (Niobe) is still in a bit of shock and looking a little pitiful, but he’s slowly bouncing back. He wants to eat a bit now, and is wagging his tail a little when he sees a familiar face. Poor puppy.

Another day to an end, I suppose. Not that I mind, since I could head up to my cabin right now and pass out. Hah. Still have some cleaning to do there, though, and there’s another batch of laundry to hang after I did my usual rounds on the net and posted the blog.

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