
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Song of the day: “Four seasons: Spring” by Vivaldi…I know, I know. It technically isn’t a song, but the tune kept spinning through my head and I had to hum it, like, constantly. Grrr.

Yesterday: Though I really wasn’t in the mood for it, we did manage to do a chapter of “Saving Nina”. It is so very hard to get back into the flow of proofreading after a three or four day interruption, like my brain has to shift gears totally just to find the pattern of text once more…rather frustrating I’ll admit.

The loss of Trin Trin keeps popping up during the course of the day, but keeping busy and remembering the good stuff is working well enough. The evenings are hardest, however, since I still have the tendency to prepare her food bowl, only to remember…just too late.
It will fade, I know, but for the time being it makes me feel sad still.

The crying jags have a nasty side effect: I lost my voice, sorta. I’m like totally husky now, which has a rather peculiar effect whenever I’m singing a tune, or talking. I don’t even recognize it myself, hah. The raw songs go rather splendidly at the moment, of course. I mean, really, Rock songs never sounded this “real” before.

What with the sibs’ floors done I was feeling a little at loose ends yesterday, so I mostly did busywork. First, I decide tot plant two wheelbarrows worth of plants into the courtyard garden and the big plant containers along the path leading through the center of the property.
Unfortunately, this is done in relatively little time, so rather than head inside again, little sister and I clean up the terrace down by the pool quarters, where chairs, and some leftover construction materials still scatter the ground.

After organizing garden tools and wheelbarrows over by the courtyard entrance, outside work is basically over and done with we head inside (no other options left) to hang a big lamp in the hallway and then move to the veranda office to empty the fabric closet, which is terribly in the way. The unattractive fabrics go to the pantry closet while the pretty ones get put in the big closet in the living room.

Regretfully this effort only empties one of the big shelving sections, but at least the couch fits in now, creating a nice little corner for sitting. Next, I gather tools and remodeling leftovers, creating some more space, which we certainly can use now that we’re going to need the space for work hours inside.

The day draws to an end, with my eyes drooping and my stomach growling (I didn’t take enough time to eat dinner) I eat a couple of sandwiches and then head on up to my cabin. I really should take the time to do some cleaning there, but couldn’t muster the energy.

Which brings us to today. There’s the reading of course…after getting up an hour too late because I forgot to set my alarm, darn it!…and the proofreading corrections that still have to be done. Luckily they go well enough. We manage another chapter in the hours that follow, and soon the time to start on outside work arrives.

There is still that sense of being at loose ends, but I find something to do fast enough. First thing up is repairing a nice old closet that should do the trick in the pantry. With little sister’s help, I (we) empty out anything that shouldn’t be in the pantry in the first place, relocate the old metal cabinet for the small pets’ food and then scrub everything down.

Once everything that we can cram into the new-old closet is in, and the shelving on the veranda is empty at last, we take the dratted thing apart and start hauling it all to the old horse stable for storage. No reason to throw perfectly recyclable wood away, after all. It takes a few trips, but soon we have the last part of the veranda empty at last.

While little sister sets out to paint the wall, I fix the birdcage (stupid me removed a board to which the fencing was attach, aaargh) and then balance precariously on a stepladder to put up electrical wiring, which has been bugging the heck out of me for months now.

The loveseat gets set in place, the round little table put under the turtle tank, and then we’re done with the day’s task. Time to get ready for the run we agreed upon last night, yay.
I had completely forgotten, so I only had about half an hour to not-feel-like-it before we were on our way (the car loaded with garbage, of course) to a nice deserted stretch of road where we could run undisturbed for a couple of miles.

I’m actually very glad we went, since the run went splendidly. The temperatures were wonderful, even though there was a rather hard wind coming from the west…it actually blew straight into us on the way back, which made the run a little tougher, hah. Was nice to go out again, though, and the moonlight made it very doable. Let’s hope we can squeeze in another next week, or so.

And so, we got home afterwards, properly revved from doing the run, and pouncing on dinner little sister made like starved wolves. Neither of us had eaten anything in seven hours, so it basically felt as if our stomachs thought that our throats had been cut, hah. A good workday, a nice run and then the conclusion with the run. Yep, all things considered, that makes for an excellent day in my book.

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