
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Song of the day: “Misfit” by Amy Studt. It’s been a while since I last heard it, but it was with the others little brother loaded a while back. Very angry girl music, of course, still cute, though.

So let’s get down to business, I only had a couple of hours of sleep last night, and a catnap this afternoon so every fiber inside me is literally screaming for shut-down…Oh no, wait. That’s the dogs. Give me a sec, I’ll kill them before I go on…………… yeah. I’m tired; heck this afternoon I was so friggin’ tired that I couldn’t even get myself to read more than a page of “Saving Nina” so instead I headed out and started on carpentry. But I’ll get back to that late; let’s get up to date about yesterday.

The morning past as usual, really, big brother and I worked on the manuscript, did a big chapter and we were just about to start on the physical work of the day when little brother popped his head from between the balustrade of the stairs and asked if we could do their laminated floor. So, no, I hadn’t planned it in yet. I was thinking more along the lines of next week, or maybe at the beginning of the new month…but then, the younger sibs rarely come up with a project for themselves, so I figured what the heck. They’re grown up now, and if they want to have that floor put in, we’ll do it.

I am hoping that by showing them that such suggestions can lead to nice results, they’ll show more initiative in the future, and perhaps even start coming up with their own. It’s so much fun to do, and I really want them to experience that as well.

But anyways, we worked on the floor for the majority of the afternoon and except for the corners that still need to be put in, we had exactly enough to cover the entire floor. (Oh boy am I glad we guessed right…I know, we should have measured it, but seriously, where’s the adventure in that? Hah) Three colors in a pattern: Ebony double lines thrice; the same goes for the grayish oak, with three single lines of orange-ish just to make things fun. It looks grand and it will be a pleasure to clean.

Afterwards, I spent about an hour putting in a temporary desk that will be downright beautiful once I actually manage to finish it. The remainder of the day and evening…no I’m not going to share, ‘cause it’s just too much to mention and I still wanna tell you about this dream I had during my nap…was spent with busywork that kept me busy ‘till well past midnight. This meant that I didn’t manage to get to bed until after three, and as luck will have it I lay awake in bed until well past five in the morning.

This was a total pain in the butt since I had to get up at 8:15 to pick up our visiting friend in Marbella, which is a solid hour drive to and then another back. Suffice it to say that when I got home around noon today I HAD to get to bed and snooze for an hour.

Which was when the dream happened. It was so totally outta there that I just have to tell about it.
So yeah, in the dream I was working out in the yard, at the top of the property with the sibs, when suddenly there was a commotion with some of the dogs and when we checked it out it looked as if they had caught one of the Chinchillas.
I went over, to check if the little one was savable, but when I looked, it wasn’t our Chinchilla, but a baby bear…I know, that should have tipped me off, but everything else was so real that for a while I didn’t have a clue I was dreaming. Hah.
As it turned out, the poor little thing had a hurt leg (could have fooled me when, in the dream, I saw it lying there in little more than a heap, but what the hey), so I didn’t even need to take it to the vet, or anything.
So there I was, hauling this cuddly baby bear around, when suddenly, over the mountain the big momma bear came sniffing around in search of her young. Now, in reality this would be a tricky thing, but while I was climbing towards her to hand her the cub, she was just patiently sitting there, waiting for me.
I had almost reached the momma bear when, for some reason, I glanced back and (somehow) was able to look down on the drive sweep (that should have tipped me off that it was a dream, since that is completely impossible) and saw an entire zoo of animals come meandering down the road. Now, in the dream, I explained this incredible image of tigers, giraffe’s and Gawd knows what, with the brilliant thought of them having escaped from a circus that had been passing through town (it hasn’t, mind you) but whatever the reason it made complete sense to me. Hah.
Around this time I woke up, so I had to get out of bed and head down to the house again.

So that brings us to my earlier complaint of being too darn tired to do any serious work on the manuscript. Instead, big brother and I decided to start on the physical part of the day a couple of hours earlier.

While he and grandpa started on the fencing, again, the younger sibs and I started hauling down wood and whatnot to commence with the large closet that we need to build for their stuff in the room with the new floor. We have everything we need, so for the remainder of the afternoon we’re measuring, sawing, and at the end, when big brother and mom depart to bring our visitor home putting the first one together.

One done, three more to go.
In the last bit of daylight, middle sister and I put the doors in her closets. Only the doorknobs and drawers left to put on and in and then we can move them to her room. This one worked out splendidly, so the new ones should too.

And that concludes today. I’m sure that there is a lot of stuff that I missed, but it will have to do ‘cause I need to hit the sheets.

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