
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Care packages!!!

Song of the day: “A song for whoever” by the Beautiful South. Such a fun song, and I really should listen to it some time, ‘cause now only the chorus keeps spinning through my head.

It was a rather busy day, following a similarly busy day, so I’m (once again, yes I know) in a rush. I would hate to have to start doing the blog every three days, but…well, let’s not think about that yet. I’m here now anyway.

So what all happened…project wise we’re basically wrapping things up at the moment, finishing ongoing ones before we start on a new one. Some stuff just has to be finished and be over with. What got finished was my part of the work on middle sister’s desk. It is looking rather grand, I’ll admit, and the pretty flowery slats that we put on them work beautifully. I am going to have to put up a picture to do it justice, and I will, just as soon as I find a spare minute…somewhere. Hah.

After finishing the desk, I spent about an hour cleaning up tools, wood and whatnot, figuring it was the least I could do, after using so much of it. Then, I decided I might as well try to fix the blasted handles of the furnace. What with the dogs jumping against the big machine (they are under the impression that we actually leave food on it, hah) they tend break the controls, and having two missing, was bugging the heck out of me. So, the other day, during a scavenge hunt, I found two handles from a discarded furnace, and figuring they had the same shape I took them home. They were the same shape, yes, but I did have to scrape the plastic a size bigger until they fit. Then I had to saw them, use glue to put them on the knobs I’d saved and wait to see if I did them right. As it turns out, one fits perfectly, the other will need some fine-tuning yet. Drat.

Lots of chores going on, along with more planning for the future veggie garden, and then a totally failed attempts at an early night because we had to get up early this morning. The flat tire had to be brought to the repair shop. Luckily the problem was found fast, and the guy could fix the perforation (it was a darn nail, of all things) within fifteen minutes, so rather than waiting we headed towards Coin, where we had to pick up a delivery.

Now, this is going to need some explaining, I’m guessing. You see there is this old friend of my mom’s who has been sending us care packages for years, but this time, she apparently went a little overboard. She is a darling, mind you, but there were seventeen friggin boxes waiting for us at the mover company, and we could barely fit it all in the car. We have a big car, Land Rover Defender (as I have spouted a million times, I’m sure. I love that car) but it really took quite some effort to pile it all inside and still fit in ourselves. And they were heavy, Oh my Gawd! Getting them in the car and the out again to haul them into the house (it was like we were moving house, hah) was heavier than working a full day with rocks, I swear.

It is awfully sweet of mom’s friend though, who has always been sort of like an honorary aunt to us all. There were sweaters (wonderfully warm ones, yay), shirts, vests (also warm, double yay) Ts, tops, bed sheets…Gawd, bed sheets, they might give me nightmares now, hah.
Seriously, we could fill a store with them…but admittedly it was getting rather necessary since all the old bed sheets were worn down, torn in many places and more then ready for replacements. It took us a full day to unload all the boxes, arrange the contents between the family and even our tenant and her caretaker, and then spent several hours digging through the linen closet to get all the old worn ones out, and the new, clean, beautiful fabrics in.

And then I’m not even mentioning the towels yes. There were at least forty of them, in practically any color available, and in all honesty, I have no idea where to put them all. Right now we’ve stored anything that we can’t fit in anywhere in the guest rooms by the old pool, and I am going to have to tackle them, sometime in the near future.
The plus side, I’m thinking, is that we won’t need to buy any of that stuff for the next ten years at the very least. Phew.

Like I said, incredibly sweet, and really handy…especially with the economy the way it is right now. Hah…but also rather overwhelming. There was stuff here that she has been gathering for us for the past five years or so, and each time I took out another item, I really wanted to sit down and burry my hands in my hear. Considering that it is really the thought that counts, I can only say that this loving form of charity (albeit a tad much) definitely lives up to the old adage.

There was a slight hiccup during the course of the afternoon, when Amos (mini Boxer) and Prama (crossbreed) got into a fight. Big brother was right in the thick of things, and just when I was about to reach Knight II, so I could drag him away, the idiot bit big brother in the side. A massive bruise, but only a slight puncture, thankfully, but definitely not fun.

But anyway, this explains why today’s activities were limited to lots of hauling, and cleaning out the pigsties hah. Projects just have to wait for a bit, considering that tomorrow will be similarly busy for all parties involved. Yep, grocery shopping day is once again approaching and we need to go to the bank and the electricity company right before it. *sigh*
The only thing that is keeping me from screaming right now is that afterwards we should be all set for at least two more weeks, which means, that with a little luck we can stay at home and just work on peacefully for at least a week. I’m certainly keeping my fingers crossed.

Other than that, big brother and I decided to do a slight editing detour into last year’s “A Taste of Life”, just to check how things are going there, and to plan a little on additional scenes that will make the story suitable for sending to other publishers. What with vampire stories still being so very popular, we figure we gotta be able to get it out somewhere too. Besides, it is a fun read, and a totally different style from what we’ve been doing for the past year or so. Addie is still adorable, and Rash…well, he’s a dark, handsome vampire: what more can you ask for.

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