
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Groceries and other stuff.

Song of the day: “Closing Time” by Leonard Cohen. I know, depressing, right? It’s a miracle I didn’t hang myself with his voice in my head. But honestly, it is a rather fun song in it’s own very depressive way. Hah

Like explained the other day, yesterday was grocery shopping day, but first there were the appointments at the bank, and the electricity company. I feel so very boring sharing this crap, but considering there is really nothing more interesting to tell about what is going on over here, so I might as well.

So first there was the slight mishap, of us having forgotten that we were supposed to put the new tire up…had to do that fast, before we departed, took us fifteen minutes…while big brother hurried back down to the house, because he had no idea that it was “that time” already and still had to change into something…ehm clean and whole (i.e. work clothes). So grandpa and I managed the chore in that time. It would have been a lot faster if I hadn’t parked the car’s spare tire on a slight elevation (which meant that we had to bring the car higher than usual, darn it!) and didn’t notice until it was already off, aaargh. But we managed to get on the way in time.

Once at the bank, we waited for a full forty minutes before the manager came out and suggested we come back later, because he’d be busy for a bit yet. And seeing that we had to go to the electricity company anyway and we were running a little behind anyway, we decided to head for Marbella. Once there, parking a long way from the actual office, since the city is always packed, we got to walk to the location instead. It was like a mile going up and downhill, (very funny, grrrr) only to find out that the office closed at twelve, rather than the usual two in the afternoon. Gawd, it really bugs me when all those offices have different times; how’s a body supposed to set a clerical error straight when they seesaw all over the place, huh? Oh wait, that’s bureaucracy for ya. Darn idiots. Wouldn’t want to be open for more than three friggin’ hours to listen to complaints of paying customers.

But anyway, we made it back to the bank in time before closing, only to find out that the bank account change still hadn’t been put through in the Madrid office, so it meant a postponement of what we had the day’s appointment for in the first place. The manager is going to call me as soon as he’s arranged everything, and then I’ll only need to come in to get my information package and sign some papers. Phew. Such a relief.

We got home really late, which meant that we had about an hour to have a quick lunch, do some very necessary chores, and type a quick letter for my pen soldier to put with the care package that should have been in the mail Monday, but couldn’t, due to the holidays over here. *sigh*

Feeling a tad frazzled, we did manage to head out in time for the planned grocery shopping, and got a fun-filled five hours of rushing through department stores, bazaars, supermarkets and anything else that needed to be fetched. I gotta tell ya, I was just about ready to drop when we got home…and then we still had to unload and put everything away.

Suffice it to say that when I did finally sit down, a portion of freshly baked fries, a salad and a drink, I was about ready to hit the sack at light speed. Hah. Of course then I still had to pack the Christmas gifts for the aforementioned care package, but luckily the sisters offered to help with that, so we got it all done in record time and stacked the whole lot inside, taped it shut and shoved it in a bag for grandpa to put in the mail tomorrow (well, today actually). While going over my messages and such of the day, we watched a rented DVD “Fast and Furious”, which wasn’t as bad as I’d expected, but neither was it grand, and then the day blissfully came to an end. Phew.

Which brings us to today: Well, I am not in the best of moods today, I’ll admit. The dogs are irritable too, which could be blamed on the herd of cows at the bottom of our property that are constantly dangling their bells…this in effect irritates me some more, and made today’s outside work a little less pleasant than it could have been.

The weather wasn’t helping much either: an overcast sky, morose lighting, but thankfully not too cold. Considering that, what with the threat of rain predicted by the weather station, we could hardly start pouring concrete in the carport, I decided to start on little brother’s new closet.
The components which I picked for this, are part of an old closet that we found during a scavenge hunt at some point, but, since the old one is almost three inches too deep, I needed to take that amount out from sides, top and bottom. Luckily, both grandpa and big brother pitched in with the sawing, and little sister helped me put it all back together again.

It is strange how my emotional side would title this day as being bad, when technically there was nothing wrong with it. ‘Cause, let’s face it, all in all it was a constructive day, but do the emotions agree with it? Nope. Stupid and annoying, that’s all that sticks. Grrr.

Well, I better stop before I start ranting. Better luck next time.

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