
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Miserable excuse, I know.

Song of the day: “The road to Mandalay” by Robbie Williams. Not my favorite, but apparently my brain doesn’t give a fig about that. Hah.

So, I’m running way behind, which is why I’m gonna have to keep this short.
Yesterday mostly involved pouring concrete. We were up at the crack of dawn…sorta, and headed up into a whopping ten degrees (50 farenheit) with a northwest wind that felt as if it was below freezing. I was packed up in four layers, had gloves on, a hat on and a scarf wrapped around the lower part of my face (I know, I’m a total whiner. You’d think I was on the north pole, huh.) But anyway, four wheelbarrows of sand, hauling three bags of cement up the mountain, I was starting to feel nicely toasty and started to remove layers one at a time.

It was rather wonderful, once I warmed up. The sun was shining and while I was mixing the cement for two hours outside the gate time flew past rather pleasantly. I actually ended up with only two layers, no hat and no gloves. Now, if that isn’t progress, I don’t know what is.

So we got the first half of the path done (about seven yards) done in the first part of the day, and the second part we did in the afternoon with the younger sibs’ help. Little sister mixed the cement; middle sister hauled the next batch of sand and cement, while I alternated between digging and jackhammering the rock surface in and around what will be the new path. It should be just wide enough to let the wheelchair down with as little effort as possible.

There were some more chores of course…the washing machine is being temperamental again, by the way…and the dogs didn’t like the cold at all. Imagine this, I’m sitting on the bed with Chaos and Sitabah curled up by my side, and before you know it, Knight II jumps up and literally tries to settle on top of them, or me. Chaos would of course be making a lot of racket, but Knight doesn’t give a fig about it. He must and shall be warm. In the end I just dragged him under my legs, which was beneficial for the both of us. Hah.

Today I got started a little slow. Rather than start on the morning chores immediately, I headed up to our tenant’s place and helped her through some new exercises. The walking is starting to improve, and when I arrived and checked out her hand, there was tension in her hand, rather than it being just an inanimate appendage. It is rather wonderful to see it happen.

Well, I’ve got a lot more to do today, and so I’m going to have to leave it with this miserable excuse of a blog for now. Hopefully I’ll have a wee bit more time later on.

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