
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Old-fashioned. *sigh*

Song of the day: “I’m Staying” by Krezip, followed by: “It’s only pain” by Katie Melua and: “Did it again” by Shakira. I don’t know what the heck is going on, but my head’s rambling today and won’t settle for a single song, and that while we’re only halfway through the day in the first place.

The dogs are restless too, by the way; they started in early with a choir of howls and yapping, driving me out of bed…half an hour late, ‘cause I’d forgotten to set my alarm, darn it. And that while it was such a splendidly sunny morning. Seriously it was shining down so bright I had to go out my cabin with my sunglasses on for crying out loud. (That’s the spirit. Hah)

Regretfully it didn’t last ‘cause the rain just chased me inside and that while I…hmmm. I’m getting ahead of myself aren’t I? Drat. I hate it when that happens.
Okay…let’s skip grocery shopping day entirely, ‘cause let’s face it, seven hours and fourteen stores (it seemed like an eternity) is just no fun to write about, aaaargh!!!
The day was wonderful, though. A whole day of full sunshine…which could have been spent doing something really useful like turning earth in the lower garden, but what the heck…and the temperature so pleasant that I could actually wear only a long sleeved T over my skirt.

Did see Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds” that evening, and it wasn’t as nice as I’d hoped and not as bad as I’d feared. All the fun parts had already been put in the trailers, so there really weren’t a lot of pleasant surprises in the end. A pity.

But anyway, Friday is hereby skipped; let’s get to Saturday: For some reason aaargh day was even more tiring than usual, ‘cause getting my engines revved yesterday was a downright pain in the butt. There were actually times when I would find myself staring off into space, which got to be a tad annoying when Knight II almost bowled right over me. Gawd, he’s such a lug…and a clumsy one at that. Though the weather wasn’t rainy, it was rather chilly. Considering we spent most of the day turning earth and putting in the potatoes we bought.

Did quite a patch too, making me wonder how it’s going to work in the near future when the potatoes start to grow properly. For insects (and personal taste) we decided to put in onions too, randomly putting them through the patch to provide for an interesting mix.
The six zucchini I bought went into the ground as well, figuring that if we do a few plants, rather than seeds, we’ll get some treats earlier on at least. Hah.

So yeah, now we’ve got four patches going in the lower garden, with plenty of space yet for what we still intend to do in the near future. I was rather cold and tired at the end of the day, which was spent turning earth with big brother and our friend Dani in the morning, and then, by the time the afternoon arrived with the younger sibs, who are slowly learning to like outside work…I think.

The sun peeked in every now and then, but on the overall the last few hours of the day were getting gloomy, making me more than a little grumpy when it was finally time to head inside to start with the read-through edit of “W.I. Investigations: The White Doves” and passed the halfway through mark without any hassle…albeit a tad late due to aaargh day and yesterday’s tiredness, darn it.

Only managed eight pages, seeing as we stopped at eleven in the evening so we could look at the second DVD “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds…which was a downright wonderful film in my opinion. Seriously, it was a good old-fashioned downright adorable story with likeable characters, nothing too complicated (not empty, the way so many movies are these days) in the plot while still being entertaining and…well, wholesome. I don’t get today’s “dislike” against supposed clichés which “have to be avoided at all costs” in movies for some asinine reason. I mean, come one, clichés became clichés because they are just cute and WORK.

I can hardly remember when I last saw a movie that made me go wonderfully mushy inside like “the Proposal”…hmmm. Music and Lyrics, probably. Return to Me, definitely. Two Weeks Notice, a little. While you were sleeping, *sigh*. If the Shoe Fits…ah, I miss the good old days when it was still allowed to do clichés, really I do. Whether it is best friends getting together, or the evil witch/bastard being turned likeable by the soothing secretary…Like I said, nothing feels better than the “aaaaawwww” smile followed by going mushy inside.

There really are days when I just NEED something like last night’s movie that makes me think, yeah, that’s it. Simple just works best…it does, of course, help that I tend to enjoy Sandra Bullock’s work and that I am seriously pondering a rather adolescent celebrity crush on totally edible Ryan Reynolds. *Sighs some more*. Yep, I just might go for it: It’s been years since I’ve had a proper celebrity crush. Last real one was definitely Brad Pitt in his “Interview with a Vampire” days…gawd, I miss those days. I’m getting old; that’s like…OMG, way too long ago.

But back to Ryan…I mean, really, the kid does the soulful puppy look rather well and that gangly (now seriously buffed up, btw) let-me-be-your-best-friend vibe just begs for…ehm, something totally inappropriate. Hah.

Enough about movies…I guess I got a little sidetracked, what with still turning mushy inside every time I think of the flick.
For the past few days my dreams have been rather in-tune with daily life, I’ve found. Apparently sowing, planting and turning earth during the day is not enough for me, since I’m doing all of it during the night as well, hah. Heck, just last night I woke up from planting huge tomato plants, only to find my butt hanging out of bed, the blankets on the floor, and Knight II stretched out on three fourths of the bed. Aaaargh. Had to smack him on the butt four times before he move enough for me to get back on the bed and realign my spine properly. Hah.

And, considering I need to start on supper (our tenant’s eating with us today) and making cheesecake for mom’s birthday tomorrow, I’ve got to leave it at this and get my butt to the kitchen.

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