
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunshine and death...weird.

Song of the day: “The four seasons: Spring” by Vivaldi. Weird how this one keeps returning time and again.

Well, let’s get to it shall we. I can’t believe I’m here in the first place, locked behind my computer because I promised myself (and others) last night that I would deal with the blog as well as my messages (for real this time) and be done with it. This entire thing is seriously eating into my writing time, and there are days when I’m actually contemplating to stop blogging, just to have more time left to do other things. Ah well, we’ll see, I guess.

Yesterday, it was a busy but relatively mild day, weather wise at least.
The first thing we got to after laundry and breakfast was, head on up to the gate (and bungalow) and help our tenant outside into the tentative sunlight. There was very little of it, of course, but still being outside always does her well. Seeing as she is getting to be so much more “there” these days, we decided to put her to some miniature gardening, hah.
In her case that means getting the potted, baby eucalypti trees and oleanders on a table in front of her, so she can remove weeds. She appeared to be enjoying herself.

Leaving her to it, big brother and I got to working on the two doors I wrecked the day before. It took some hammering, bending, unbending and then some more to get the majority worked out, but once we sand, polish and spray the sections, it should look presentable again…or at least, I hope it will.

The windows back in place and all the bolts fastened once more, we left the doors without covers and went out separate ways for the day. I continued working on grandpa’s little wall with the younger sibs and big brother went down the mountain to tackle the woodpile with the chainsaw. Got a nice pile going down there, by the way, should see us through quite a bit of fire, hah.

The little wall is progressing nicely, even though the corner went down three times for the duration of construction (it is still not entirely done, if you must know). First one due to the wheelbarrow passing too closely, second time by Bora (crossbreed) who thought it grand to jump on top of the barely laid rocks, and third time…well, just because. Finally, I gave up trying to get it up to the height it’s going to need for completion, and decided to leave it half done, so I can add the last rocks today.

Next up was heading out for a jog and a batch of sand. Considering we need to get it as cheap as possible, we get to do the shoveling ourselves, which means that we get a full workout. Hah.
The jog went well, managed to complete the full course, only to look up at the massive clap of thunder and the black clouds that hung overhead. Jeez, startled the crap out of me, I’ll admit. Had exactly thirty minutes to get to the sand, and put in half a load before we got soaked. Hah.

Driving back home was a tricky venture too, what with the rain sheeting down, thunder roaring, and lighting blinding, but we managed without mishaps this time. Considering that it was also scavenge day, I was a bit grumpy about the fact that we couldn’t immediately unload the sand, (had to wait for the rain to let down after dark) but headed inside for a shower, food and then work on the computer.

Three more pages and then I can start writing the last two scenes. The culminating climax; the place where the entire book has been working towards; and the completion of this particular story, which has been an intricate part of my life for the past three months…I don’t know whether to be thrilled, or not.

I was tired from the long day, but still, considering the rain had let up and the stars were out I wasn’t too disgruntled about heading out, unloading the car and then leave for our habitual Sunday scavenge: Located a particularly nice batch of wood, which will do nicely for the next project, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Okay…

First, I had to take my dogs up to my cabin and that caused quite a ruckus for some peculiar reason. Some of the sibs’ dogs thought it would be fun to attack Knight II when he came in my pursuit, which ended it a fight that literally had me drag Knight away and out of the courtyard, a pissed off Labrador and boxer coming in our pursuit before middle sister could grab them. Gawd, startled the bejeezus out of me; so much in fact that my stomach decided to pick up old habits and chucked up my late snack the moment I arrived at my cabin. Darn it, I hate it when that happens. Reminds me of when I had that particular problem for more than a year, and the memories are not fond ones. Grrr.

Right, over and done with, let’s forget it and get on with the night. Ah yes, the scavenge, and the nice batch of wood for the project… Oh my Gawd, I haven’t written about the new project, have I? Well, it’s an outdoor kitchen. You know the kind I mean, right? A barbecue, pizza oven and a sink, all put into a nice little natural rock nook. Maybe a small roof in front of it, open to the fresh summer breezes, a clean concrete floor, a railing, maybe…yeah, I can see it. It’s going to look grand, I’m sure.

But anyway, we didn’t get home until after two in the morning, loading up always takes an eternity, and I was so friggin’ tired I literally passed out the moment I hit the sheets.

Which brings us to today, it has just barely started, but the weather looks incredibly promising. Sun’s out, only a few clouds in view and it just might be a grand day for some serious gardening. I hope we can find the time for it.

The day didn’t start of too well: while I was folding laundry I noticed that Simmy, one of our Chinchillas, wasn’t greeting me at the fence the way he usually does. Turns out he died in the large pot that serves as his little cubby hole, meaning that grandpa had to crawl into the cage (he smaller and lighter than me) to get him out. It sure explained why Sammy (the female of the couple had been looking so darn miserable this morning. She was hiding in the corner, shivering a little. Poor little girl, lost her husband, she did.
We’re going to have to get the young from the lower cage now, so she won’t be alone…poor babies.

Well, that wraps up the recount for the day, I really should get to my messages and then head on outside. I want Sunshine!

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