
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Caught off guard.

Song of the day: “Something to believe in” by Bryan Adams. Hmmm. Okay.

Let’s start with the bad news, and work our way up from there, eh? Morpheous, 8 month old crossbreed that we found last year at the garbage disposal along with his brother, died this morning at eight in the morning, over at the vet hospital.
Bloody hell, that took us by surprise for sure. He was less ill than Niobe had been, and since Niobe came home yesterday morning, it blindsided us somewhat bad.

But anyway, another burial to arrange for, and another bill to pay. It can’t be helped, no matter how much you’d wish it, so I’m determined to accept it and move one. Nothing else to do anyway, so…

Yesterday’s edit went pretty good. Did around seven pages, even though we were both struggling with sleepiness. The day had started early nonetheless, and by the time we settle behind the computer, we were about half through the day, and had just finished yard work. We’re not going as fast these days, somehow changing the routines of the day bites into editing time.

Harvested a lettuce, by the way, and saved a cauliflower from being eaten by newly hatched caterpillars. About twenty of them, on a single plant, along with four giant snails underneath the lettuce. Though I dislike the task, I had to kill the little buggers to save our future veggies.

We’re trying a new experiment too, by the way. Planted ginger roots yesterday, just to see what will come of it in the near future. It should be interesting to see what comes of it. Bell peppers are finally coming up too, which is a relief since we feared that they weren’t going to make it.

The younger sibs started on cleaning out the deep end of the old pool; the check we did of the walls confirms that we’re going to have to redo the walls after we’ve cordoned off the deep end for water storage.

We also weeded through the reed canes under the house, taking out the old and dead stems so the fig tree has a bit more sunlight, and so we’ll have some room once we start on the new septic tank. First the ground has to dry out a little, then we have to hack our way through the roots of the bush of bamboo and place them someplace else in the yard, and then…well then we have to haul rocks there before we can get started. *sigh*

Suffice it to say that the old pool…I really gotta start learning to call it the greenhouse, seeing as that is what it is going to be…terrace is filled with reed stems that have to be bound together today, and stored out of the way.

There were three more rock hauling trips through the course of the past few days, of course. Lots of rocks will be necessary for the building stages. Trees were trimmed, weeds were removed and dogs were pesky. Same old, same old, isn’t it.

Well, tomorrow our tenant is having her birthday, so I’m making apple pies. The scent of cinnamon and apples is floating through the entire house, and it is making my mouth water, I tell ya. Jeez, I doubt that all three will make it through to tomorrow. But then, considering tomorrow is grocery-shopping day I really had to make them this morning.

I’m already running behind, so I’m going to leave it as this. Life moseys on, as always, and…well, lots to do…even if the weather is downright winterish for some peculiar reason, darn it. I’m cold, I tell you!

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