
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Song of the day: “Northern Star” by Mel C. Hmmm. It’s been a while since I had this one.

Well, looks like this is going to be another short one ‘cause I overslept and I’m already running behind an hour, darn it.

So let’s get to it: yesterday, was spent mostly working on the green house. One rib is up, (yes, I’ve got pictures, and I’ll put them up as soon as we’re a little further along) and the foundation for the water reservoir wall has been put in. It was a scorcher, I tell ya. First time this year that we had to take a break in the afternoon, just to get out of the full sunshine. Not that it mattered, considering we used the time to work on a new query letter for Saving Nina, and editing several pages.

The fun part was that we had supper from our own yard. Yep, we had our first real spinach harvest, which means we had spinach salad, and baked spinach with cheese and potatoes. Both were delicious, thank you very much, but considering we’ll have another meal of the batch today, I think I’m rather happy that the next batch won’t be done until a week or so. Hah.

The newly planted tomatoes are doing excellent. All of them are growing brilliantly, along with the melons we transplanted to pots the other day. Soon we’ll be able to put them in the ground up in the old paddock…after we turned the earth up there and put in a healthy amount of fertilizer. Hah.

There was one more rock trip…boy is the pile growing rapidly, hah.
Considering I had some cement left, little sister and I used it to put a foundation around one of the water taps. Along with the pole of one of the small gates in the lower garden that had come loose. They should hold a lot better now.

For some reason the Banana boat song from Harry Bellafonte keeps popping up in my head every now and then. Such a catchy song really, it just keeps going round and round.

Plants got watered, of course, the herbs I’ve been sowing the past few days are coming up…oregano was first…and the cluster of pots and trays are looking downright plush in what used to be the pool. Hah.
Little sister and I had a bite of our very first strawberry. Seriously, we were huddled in the lower garden, peering around if anyone could see and then the devoured the berry like a bunch of giggling teenagers. Hah. It was delicious though, almost herby, which isn’t surprising considering I planted them around peppermint plants.

Most of the dogs are getting over their cough by now, still some of it going on but nothing too bad. The only problem at the moment would be Nanook, who is once again suffering from a bladder infection. Back to the antibiotics for her, darn it.
Bommel skated through the entire illness hose without trouble (knock on wood) and the others, well, apparently they’re fitter than the bug, which is always a plus.

Time for me to get started on the day, I guess I’ll get back to rattling on about stuff the next time.

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