
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Slacking the post...a little anyway.

Song of the day: “Foundations” by Kate Nash. Strange, I wonder if we’re going to build for real today, ‘cause that would mean that I get this song every time. This would make it the third time. Hmmm. We’ll see.

So, what’s been going on…wracking the brain. Gawd, I can’t remember what we did yesterday…oh yes, we went into the yard of course. How could I possibly forget, first there was a lot of weeding to be done, while big brother and I worked in the morning and then, when the younger sibs arrived we put in at least twenty tomato plants.

They were beauties, I tell ya. Several were already half a foot high, wide as a hand, and more than ready to do some serious growing. Hah. Then there was more weeding, of course, but since the weather was rather pleasant I didn’t mind all that much.

We had a wonderful salad made out of Swiss chard, fresh spinach, wild onion and of course iceberg slaw from our very own yard, it was tasty it was healthy and it went really well with the apple pie I made for our friend Danni’s birthday…the pie just as tasty as the salad.

Little brother and sister both appeared to be a little better…or at least they joined us and seemed able to keep themselves distracted.
There were two more trips for rocks, of course, and tonight there will be another I think.

Today was mostly spent working on the greenhouse, putting in the brick edge, pouring the bases of the support poles, drilling holes, cleaning floors and placing all the pots and trays with the new plants on a different spot, because the place where they were standing is going to be where the greenhouse pillars will stand.

The sun was nicely scorching today, got another sunburn, I think, and our tenant of course came down…or more accurately we rolled her down, because her hip hurt. We had some more pie during work, and well, it was a productive day all round. Heck, I even found another handful of caterpillars, ugly little buggers.

Well I’ve got to get to work, lotsa editing to do yet, even though the past couple of days we made nice enough progress already.

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