
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A bit of everything.

Song of the day: “The men in this town” by Shakira, ever since one of the neighbors was playing it full volume. Hah.

Today was the weirdest day, weather wise, I have ever experienced this time of year. Seriously, we had clouds, around 25 degrees celcius and I was actually chilly. I kid you not, I was cold, and put on a blouse while we were working on the edit. It didn’t go as well as it could have, what with a miserly rain starting up, and then stopping again when we’d put the computer away from the splashes. Darn it. Guess, I’ll have to do some more after the blog.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. First there was yesterday, of course. Duh, I knew that, really, I did…I think. Hmm. Well, anyway, I had that stupid doctor’s appointment, of course. Was there bright and shiny, right on the dot and was led into this really miserable little room, filled with supplies, a couple of chairs and a support where I had to put my arm.

Seriously, when this young little flower (yes, I know, I’m getting old if I start calling a 24-something a young flower, but I don’t give a fig) came barging in I though: “Aw hell, this is gonna hurt.” I swear, she hardly looked old enough for PMS, let alone skilled enough to draw blood…with a syringe that is, not in any other way, which would be downright easy, hah.

Okay, I’m POed at the moment: big brother is taking a nap in his chair beside me, and I would be doing the exact same if I had any say in the matter, grrrr. Lucky bastard for having to wait for me to start on the edit.

Anyways, the pricking when smoothly, barely even felt it, so kudos to the young RN or whatever the heck she was. I gotta say that the darkness of that blood freaked me out a little. It was almost black and the imaginative part of me is already seeing some wonderfully sci-fi story where it turns out that my blood is unusual, maybe acidic, so that when the next time I come it, these hazmat guys will be waiting for me, and pounce the moment I enter the office. Hah. I know, gotta keep that imagination on a leash. I blame a misspent youth of reading both horrors and sci-fi 24/3…the other four would be for romances, hah.

But yeah, I’ll get the results, of the X-ray and blood test Wednesday…yes, the suspense is killing, so exciting. Who knows the answers to this agonizing foot problem? I’m sorry, did I just dirty your screen with the sarcasm. That wasn’t my intention. Let’s just say that I call it a perfect waste of the morning, in particular since the answer can only be one of two things: In the end the only option that is there is make the best of it and mosey on.

Next…Considering grandpa’s moped had a flat, and we had to go to the village anyway (big brother drove me) we opted to do some groceries, like fresh bread and a bag of apples. Of course there was no mail, which like, was not unexpected, but annoying. I know, technically I should just be twiddling my thumbs waiting for that TP to give Saving Nina a yes or a no, but it’s frustrating to say the least.

After a pleasantly successful edit, big brother and mom brought our visiting friend home, and grandpa and I put in the poles for the future balustrade (I know; pictures! I will post them soon, I promise) of the path that leads to the greenhouse. We dug holes, put the poles in concrete, at which point it was time for me to head on down to water the plants. There was another short edit at the end of the evening and then it was up to the carport so we could fix grandpa’s tire…well, big brother did that, I was just there to read from this Spanish book we’re reading for practice. We were a little late with that, and I passed out proper by the time I finally hit the sheets.

Which brings us to today, at last.
Let’s see, hmmm. I made soup this morning, and yes, it was zucchini soup and no, we do not have an indefinite supply of them anymore. We’re letting four plants finish their cycle and are regularly taking off the little ones so we won’t have zucchinis from the ears anymore. Hah. The ones we have elected for next year’s planting are starting to get huge, several already have the size of an average upper leg…which is a little freaky on the imagery, I’ll admit.

Oh gawd, almost forgot, we also found a Pecan tree, which had spent the past few months in the shade, so the guy who sold it to us warned that we should let it get used to sun gradually before we planted it outside. We have the perfect spot for it, but since that is in the full sun, it will be a couple of weeks before we’re putting it there, really. Poor thing would think it’s burning alive…if the sun ever comes out again. Yep, that’s my pessimistic tendency rearing its ugly head. One cloudy day, and something inside me is whining that it will never be sunny again. Aaargh.

Since the rain started during the edit we stopped early (an hour and a half, in fact) and did some stuff in the yard. I transplanted seedlings into pots, big brother put potted ones into the ground and after cleaning the floors of the greenhouse with grandpa at last, we were properly pleased with the end result. The floors are clean at last, and now it is really starting to look like something more than just a pile of wood and concrete.

Afterwards, the weather was iffy, but only a few drops fell during the course of the day, grandpa and I headed on up to the paddock and got wooden slats from our supplies so we could put up the balustrade in full.
It took an hour at most and then the balustrade was done, looking pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. Yes, pictures…I promised, didn’t I?

Okay, last bit: So I’ve been reading Harry Harrison’s Deathworld omnibus this past week or so and I’ve got to say that the last one, part three, was by far the best. Sure, the idea of Pyrrus was marvelous, and the concept pretty darn fascinating, but he was a little lightweight on the characters; from part one to two, I hardly had a clue what the leads looked like and besides the sometimes humorous thoughts, very little of their motivation was explained.

I wonder if it is the times or the genre, but reading the whole series together, I didn’t start to like Harrison’s writing until book three. He grew in those twelve years of writing, I think. He was very basic and to the point in the first two, but luckily there was a lot more depth of feeling in the last one. It reminded me of why I had liked the story and the characters so much, and that was a good thing, since, until part three I was starting to get a bit annoyed.

Enough. Now, I’m going scare the bejeezus out of big brother and get some more work done, hah.

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