
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Walk alone! Yay!!!

Song of the day: “We will rock you” by Robbie Williams. Of course the official one is by Queen, but what the heck.

Lots of little chores going on at the moment, finishing off with stuff that has been lying about for months now, just because we’ve been so busy. Getting an old TV up to tenant’s apartment, because hers is on the fritz. Taking an old closet apart in the guest room, because it annoyed our weekly visitor.

I went through our winter clothes supply...eight massive crates of them...sorted through the keepers and that ones that would be suitable for the sibs their venture at the market, and ended up with a full box that they could take along.
Though the weather was downright pleasant early in the morning, by the time I had sorted through the lot, I was standing in the full blare of sunlight again.

While busy, I also got stabbed by a wasp, which felt like someone used a whip on the back of my hand. Now the stupid area has been rapidly swelling, and last night when I went to bed, it ached as if I’d slammed a hammer on it, or something. Now it just itches like a son of a gun.

Writing wise things are going slow. I really have to get used to this new writing style, because at the moment it is going in spurts. Every time I find myself getting into a nice flow, I have to remind myself to keep sentences short and basic, which of course wrecks the flow. I haven’t figured out a method yet, so it is a tad frustrating.
I’ll have to get back to you on how it is working out, ‘cause so far I’ve only managed about 14 or 16 pages. The story is there, sure. I just need to get it out.

Gardening: what with the weekend here, the sibs did the watering of the yard, of course, so big brother and I could focus more on the chores than usual. We finished the wall partition of the carport, meaning that we now have a beautiful barrier of wood where ugly fencing used to be. It looks really well.

Tenant had another breakthrough: Yesterday she walked All-By-Herself, thank you very much, and was thrilled. So was I. It was beautiful, in particular because after we bound her left arm up, she was even walking straight, all by herself, with only the stick to support her. It was beautiful, I almost shot up, and she did. Here she’d thought that she’d never manage to walk alone again. Hah. I would like tell those physical therapists to go F themselves, but it really is not worth it. Tenant can do it, and that’s all that matters.

The freezer now has its first batch of bread in it, and if all goes well, we’re doing a harvest later on and those tomatoes will go into the deep freeze immediately. It’ll take some experimenting to see how it’ll work best. I am looking forward to soup later on.

We haven’t figured the wiring of the trailer out yet. We might end up rewiring the whole thing just to get it over with. Grandpa had another flat tire, this time the front, and since we couldn’t find the leaking spot we decided to just to stop the mess by getting a new one for that too. Since a new tube only costs about six bucks, it won’t kill us.

Well, I’ve got some writing to do. I’m getting out of here. See ya.

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