
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, August 13, 2010

No title, I guess.

Song of the day: “The banana boat song” by Harry Belafonte. I get this one a lot, don’t I? Guess it wormed its way into my head an refuses to leave. That’s okay though. I like it well enough.

Writing: Let’s start with that. It still isn’t easy, I’ll admit. Them short sentences definitely wreck my flow, but apparently it is easier when I wrote with a pen…the first draft of a scene at least, considering that now the book has reached thirty pages, and I barely even realized it. So it’ll get there, I’m sure.

Lots of busy work these past few days, and yet very little to report, considering its all finishing up little bits of this and that. For some reason there never seems to be enough time for anything, but stuff gets done and that is all that counts really.

The past two days were scorchers, I tell you. Seriously, we went beyond 100 and the air was so humid that it was like walking through a warm bath. Now, on the other hand, the weather is downright wonderful. Heck, if I didn’t know any better I’d think it was autumn. During the night clouds came up above the sea. They crawled across the valley, making their way up (creating a rather eerie mist, by the way. I had to drive through it and it was creepy. Like trailing a ghost, or something) until they reached the top of the mountain.

Now we’ve got gigantic clouds rushing past on the cool breeze coming from the south east. For the first time in almost a week we are able to see beyond the valley again, which is a rather welcome change.
Besides, the dogs love the coolness. They’ve been breathing heavy for days now, the poor darlings, and right now they are literally basking in the cool breeze at their respective places throughout the garden.

I just walked tenant down, and while big brother and grandpa are out to buy cement, she is keeping me company on the lower terrace where we can fully enjoy the weather change and the view while I get up to date with my messages and write today’s blog. Several doggies are lounging around my feet and music is playing on Itunes. Can life be any better than this?

It is also perfect weather for the sibs, who are intending to go to the local Saturday market now as well. Weather permitting (in this case, if it isn’t too bloody hot, hah) tomorrow morning they’ll be out there displaying their wares.

Okay, what else. We had our first few big melons (or cantaloupes if you want to be specific), which were delicious. More beets came from the ground, and the last of the corn has been gathered while we enjoy our daily dose of pumpkin sandwiches. Gawd, for a pumpkin, the green warty one is really good. Hah. But yeah, the third real harvest of tomatoes will start any day now, seeing as those Moneymakers are fully laden once again. Considering they are our favorite, this isn’t a bad thing at all.

Oh gawd, the best news of this week is definitely the fact that we have a new coffee machine, which means decent coffee at long last. Seriously, coffee from hot water from the water kettle will do in a pinch, but coffee from the machine is still the best. Gawd! Coffee! I already had my two cups, but I could devour another two, or three…maybe four. *sigh*

Hmmm. Well, I’m all talked out. Considering I have to make chard for lunch yet, and I also need to write more, I’m going to just stop here and see if there’s anything remotely interesting to report the next time round.

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