
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Starting to fret...for some reason.

Song of the day: “One way or another” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. I know, originally it’s not hers, but I like her version best, so there.

I’m going to keep this as short as possible, because I am once again running behind one…well, everything due to this undeniable need to fix my favorite (safari type) pants, which I fully intend to wear tomorrow (you know, the job thingy. Doing a test run tomorrow afternoon). So I’m a little nuts. From various movies during my misspent youth I have formed a certain image of what someone bringing around papers (you know, that paper route past is playing up again) is supposed to wear.

I’m thinking fade-out brown baggy pants (way baggy what with the eighty pounds gone, but what the heck), canvas hiking boots, sleeveless (as in cut-off) T or a bright orange and a grey baseball cap (it’s got Vermont on the front), just to keep those pesky short curls under control…rather than risk an Einstein hairdo within an hour. What do you think? Will that work? Or should I go for classy. White ironed top, pressed slacks or skirt…gawd, I can’t even write it down with a straight face. Never mind. Baggy and cut-off it is. Hah.

Next thing I’m wondering about is conversation. Seriously, five hours in a car with a complete stranger. What to talk about? I mean, really, I can be the stoic silent type as good as the next person but do it too long and I might come across as some sort of crazy psychopath waiting to pounce. Hah. I could of course ask stuff about newspapers and how that bizz goes. It’s a safe enough topic I guess. I’ll have to see rather than worry about it, I know, but try telling my stupid brain that. Apparently it likes worrying about stuff that hasn’t happened yet.

Which means I haven't slept well at all these past couple of days. I just couldn't shut my brain off (POed me, by the way) through which I ended up dreaming about worrisome stuff that had me wake up bathing in sweat, with heart-burn and my heart going pitter patter. Insanity!

Yesterday, you’re not going to believe this, but we had an honest-to-gawd rainstorm during the early hours of morning. I’m talking pouring, seriously, there was a slight mudslide by the side of the path and that is totally unheard of in August. In Spain. The south, no less. Aaaah. But anyway, it has been cloudy ever since, which is a wonderful change to say the least. Really, if I didn’t know any better I’d think it was October, or something.

Writing: It is not going bad. I have almost reached forty pages, so we’re at a fifth of the story. I’ve got an overview going, meaning that I’ve got about sixteen basic scenes that should make up the chapters for the complete story. We’ll get there yet. Got leads, supportive characters, a dog, locations, jobs, backgrounds, the whole shebang. Now all I need to do is put it all down in strong writing and then we’re all set. Hah.

Yesterday was rather busy. While mom and both younger sisters were at the local market, big brother, grandpa and I put a new layer on the (new) wall of the basin. Managed it in an hour to boot, so yay. Afterwards I wrote four pages, at which time I left tenant comfortably settled on the terrace while I made cement/concrete for the gutter that leads all the way down the basin. Succeeded with that as well, leaving the gutter done and only a part of the path needs to be poured now.

Even though we did the anti parasite bath for the dogs just recently, there are still a handful of dogs that are really bothered by ticks and flees at the moment. It almost seems as if the stuff made it worse, or something.
Made beets, chard and pumpkin for in the freezer. We’re getting a nice color selection inside the box, I’ll admit, and I’m curious if it will be edible.

At the moment, in the rare spare minutes (for instance on the toilet, hah) I’m reading Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone novels. I hadn’t thought I would like them when I first discovered that they were first person, but I’m pleased to not that the woman writes pleasantly. I’ve only got three of her stories, C, J, and N, (donations again, hah) and I’m at the N now, so…what to read next, I don’t know. Darn it.
Well, there’s Jack Vance’s Adventure Planet, of course, but seeing as that is a writing style I’ve got down pat, I’m thinking I should aim for something a little more modern, which could be useful to me.

Which brings us to the end of today’s blog. I’ve got a book to write, and I’m sure you have better things to do then read this stuff. Hah. Gotta go.

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