
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stuff and a bit of a rant. Sorry.

Song of the day: “Did it again” by Shakira. I think it was due to a conversation I had with someone about this particular artist that brings her more prominently to mind, because the song has been invariably going through my mind these past few days.

Okay, first thing’s first. I’ve got a semi-set appointment on Monday morning (I still have to call ahead to confirm that the person I have the appointment with will be there) for signing an advertising contract. Yay. I think.
Last night, I send out two requested emails, for two companies, one in insurance and the other in linen (weird contrasts, huh) that asked me to send them the pricing ASAP.

Got that done in about fifteen minutes, and I’ve gotta tell you, compared to sending something to a publisher, which takes me about four weeks to prepare, this was relatively easy to do. Just facts, a friendly tone, and voila, all done.
It is much easier to keep a professional distance when it is not your own product you’re selling, I’m thinking. So I am definitely going to see this whole thing as practise. I will need that same attachment in my work as an author, won’t I?

Yesterday, prior to the sending of packages, it was of course grocery shopping day: though I am tempted to regale you with the particulars, I am endeavouring not to bore you to tears with this particular blog. I did add a pair of boots to my wardrobe yesterday, figuring that some neat shoes for work wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I made some business calls, while mom and the sibs were inside the specialty store, (gawd that sounds so weird, business calls. *snort*) and on the overall just went through the motions until, all of a sudden, seven hours later we were done with the groceries.

My foot, though bothersome, wasn’t too bad yesterday either, which was some relief since I had been looking up against the chore considerably. All else went as usual, with us staying within budget, yay.

Other than that there were chores, of course. Laundry aplenty. I don’t know why but there just never seems to be an end to that. Hah. A bit of a harvest, in particular peppers, which are still doing rather well. Unloading and cleaning the car. I headed into the yard to gather herbs for a new coughing syrup. Tenant’s throat’s been playing up, so a good syrup was definitely required. Lots of thyme, rosemary, a bit of basil, peppermint, and a variety of others. Added to that there was the garlic, pepper and ginger, making a rather pungent mix once I added miel the caña and put it on a small fire. Once I got home I mixed it up with brandy and lemon juice, finishing it all up.

Dogs needed to be petted, naturally. Poor darlings are getting way too little attention these days, and then I’m not even mentioning my cabin yet. This very morning I spent almost two hours cleaning up there, and I can honestly say that I have at least scratched the surface. Phew. Shelves are clean again, thank you very much, and so are the floors, yay.

While I was making her lunch, tenant walked back and forth through her cabin, on her own, this morning, which was like, totally awesome, hah. She barely even noticed it herself, so we were both a bit awed at the end.

If I can manage it, I am going to try to do some kick boxing tonight. It really is time for it, even though time seems to be so short these days.

Oh, and I wanted to say something about some sort of fuss going on, over in the states where a political news analyst supposedly did an incredible faux pas.
How is what he said any different from me saying:
“I get uncomfortable, nervous sitting beside an overly friendly Jehovah’s witness in a plane…”
“I get uncomfortable, nervous sitting beside an orthodox Jew minding his own business in a train…”
“I get uncomfortable, nervous standing amidst cheering football supporters in a stadium…”
“I get uncomfortable, nervous walking up to a white supremist, wearing his hood, and say hi…”
“I get uncomfortable, nervous at a traditional Catholic wedding…”
“I get uncomfortable as heck, not to mention friggin nervous in a bus filled with only men.” Does that mean I consider these folks bad in general, Does that mean that I think all men are bad? Does that insult their delicate constitution in such a fashion that they’d throw a hissy fit?
It would be just my personal opinion, wouldn’t it, not a new political statement that says: “woman of the world unite against those dirty men and let’s ritually hang them in the town square,” does it? *sigh*
No it doesn’t. It is just a natural response to stuff that HAS happened in the past and for some reason lingers in your mind, whether you want it to or not. I can tell myself that “those men won’t harm me…probably”. And I can tell myself to “buck up and just cheer along with the supporters, they’re just folks…probably” but it won’t change anything, will it? The feelings will stay even if my intellect denies it, or the rules forbid it.

Let’s face it: If I, an immigrant, would live in the States (cross my fingers and hope to die, or something along those lines, hah) and the locals would eyeball me, because inevitably I just look different, I would be allowed to say that “those locals make me feel uncomfortable” wouldn’t I? I would not be insulting the entire population of the country with my statement, seeing as most people would just dismiss it as a personal opinion that has nothing to do with them personally…as would be the case, for as far as I’m concerned. I don’t take it personal if anyone calls “us Europeans” bonkers. Heck, let’s face it, on the most part we are.

I know, these are a bit weird examples, but seriously, if you’re no longer able to say that you get nervous or uncomfortable by certain people or situations, then something is really off.
With everything you’re supposed to express your emotions and feelings, (to the point of annoyance, what with folks getting sent to therapists for sulking, or something) and now, all of a sudden, when it is supposedly wrong to express a particular feeling that you really can’t help yourself from having (‘cause let’s face it, who WANTS to feel that way around anyone), you get slapped in the face.
Why is it wrong? Because it was the guy’s opinion in his free time, not at the job? Sometimes I do think that the world is going a little over the top with all their rules, and cans and cannot dos, but what the hey, that’s just me.

Luckily, for now, I am still in my own little world, where, on the overall I am left alone by such silly antics. Hah. Oh wait, I wrote five pages last night, yay! Gotta go.

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