
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Work day gone.

Song of the day: “Lo Hecho esta Hecho” by Shakira. Considering I know only part of the Spanish lyrics, it is mixing with, “Did it again” the English version. Hah. Cool song, though.

So, I just got back from work…or at least, the sales rep part of it. Seriously, it is a weird profession. There would be a part of me that is inclined to take a “no” personally, but this is ridiculous of course. It is not personal, I am offering to simplify buying a product that they need in any case, so if they don’t want that, that is their choice.

Strangest thing that I discovered today is the well-rehearsed response of “No”. It is said firmly, eyes downcast and the face completely impassive. It is not until I respond with a very casual “Okay” and a smile that they loosen up again and return the expression. It’s not like I’m going to drag them over the counter and stuff the offer down their throat, and yet that appears to be the fear. Interesting concept that. I would think that being pushy is completely counterproductive and yet from the responses I think that this is something that does happen.

Well, suffice it to say that it was an interesting experience on the overall. In total I had about seven “no” and nine “maybe” and two “get back to me with more information” and I am going to see it as a challenge not to take anything personal. It has no use for me and no use for anyone else.

So let’s get to yesterday fast, because I would like to do some serious work today rather than all the wishy washy driving around stuff, walking in and out of stores. Let’s build a greenhouse, a wall, something, anything that requires the use of my hands, and some dirt. *sigh*

Yesterday we headed to town with both cars seeing as the Daewoo had to go in for repairs at one. After doing the necessary stuff at the stores and with “John Doe” (the main distributor, remember?) running awfully late, big brother and I spent an hour at the park editing the book and then, considering we both had gotten less than five hours of sleep during the night, headed for a deserted road where we turned down our seats and snoozed for another hour or so.
That done, it was time to head for our meeting place, at which time we killed another hour or so doing research (in this case, reading a book, hehehe) and laughing so loud that we forgot about having wasted an entire afternoon away from home.

John arrived we loaded up, talked some more about distributing, sales, etc., he asked another favor, which means we are holding onto a second load of papers for one of the other distributors, and then headed out into the city for our route. By the time we started for real it was already pas seven in the afternoon so we were running more than an hour behind. It went well enough.
The waiter at the Indian place, (funny dude) got himself a new joke. He said that since someone took away the stand where we used to place our papers in, I would have to get them a new one.
Okay, let me do this right, I’ll give you some dialogue.

So I told him, “I don’t have any”.
He: “You are a businesswoman, you should invest.”
Me: “It’s not my business. I just work here for very little money.”
He: “How much?”
I told him, and he blanched comically.
He: “Okay, I buy you one.”
And then we both laughed. Seriously, the guy cracks me up every time.

What else. Gawd, everyone had their dog out last night, so I got to pet doggies all over the place. Boxers, Pit Bulls, Bulldogs, Golden Retriever, Belgian Shepherd, some teeny little ones that I don’t know what to name. Garbage can types, I’m thinking, hah. But anyway, dogs that seriously don’t know what to do with more than eighty different dog scents are a lot of fun. Some start barking because they get confused, others want to sniff you all over, and yet more start bouncing up and down around you practically shouting, “what fun, what fun. I don’t know what I smell, but it’s fun.” *snort*

Okay, what else. I got to talking with a guy from India, who started telling me I ought to learn Spanish, considering I worked here. Duh! If I had time for that I would have, but considering I have a house to build, dogs to take care of and would prefer to limit my out of the house trips to only three times a week, I’ve gotta be selective as to what I spent my spare free minutes on.
He was nice, though, trying to be helpful too. And technically he was completely right.

Didn’t finish until after one in the morning, so we were late getting to bed. My foot was once again killing me, of course. Jeez, it started around Miraflores and then continued to gradually increase until we got home and I passed out in my bed…five dogs piled on top of me. Hah.
Stupid foot. It just persists insisting that there’s this huge shard of glass slicing through it with every step. I feel very “little mermaid” every time it start acting up. Hah.

But anyway, we did the village this morning, went fine and even got some prospects for advertisers there. And then headed for town to pick up the Daewoo, which wasn’t done until after three…the speedometer still isn’t fixed, by the way, because the cable didn’t arrive, again. He’ll phone me when it arrives and I’ll have to bring it in then. Let’s hope this will be on a Friday when we have to do the groceries anyway.

Well, I’m just about running on fumes and want to head on out into the yard for some proper relaxation. My dogs need attention, I want to write some serious stuff, and that’s my only goal for the night.

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