
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, October 11, 2010

That car again...blast!

Song of the day: “So long Marianne” by Leonard Cohen. I know. That’s a depressing artist to have in your head, but there you have it. For as far as songs go, it is not all that bad.

So I had planned to do my blog in pictures today, but now I cannot find my blue tooth connection so that’s out. Stupid little gadget. Why do they make the things so tiny anyway?

Yesterday, after a most atrocious rainstorm that actually filled the basin halfway in less than an hour, it was an absolutely gorgeous day. We spent it putting up more glass in the greenhouse and can now officially say that half of the roof is up and that it looks gorgeous. I know. Pictures. I’ll get to them, I swear…if my phone doesn’t get eaten, or something. *Sigh*

Today is a working day for me, by the way, so I am endeavoring to keep it short. Bear with me.
Let’s see if the distributor remembered to take everything he was supposed to this time, or if I am spared the extra work another week or so. Haha. You’ll hear soon enough, really…well, maybe not. It is going to be a harrowing week.

First off, tonight there is the route. Followed by maybe the second one, but the village anyway (keeping my fingers crossed for sunshine) even though it will be a national holiday. I’m going to have to talk about that with the distributor by the way. Hmmm. After that there will undoubtedly lots to do when we get home, and with a little luck we’ll get some writing or editing done. Then, Wednesday we’ll have to get up early to drive to Malaga, because there is something wrong with the Land Rover again. Aaargh. (I’ll get back to that.) Then, ASAP we have to leave to Marbella (60 km between) to pick up our friend, which we won’t manage in time at all, but we’ll try. By then I hope all the necessities have been taken care of for this week and we’ll be able to continue with the greenhouse, or something.

Okay, the car. For the past week the oil light has been burning off and on. On the most part when there are big vibrations. On the most part we suspect that it is a broken switch/valve, or a short, but it sure isn’t safe to leave such a thing to chance. The leak in the cooling system is also concerning, considering the darn 1.5 L tank emptied in just three days, darn it. Ah well, no sense thinking about that now. We’ll see how it goes Wednesday.

Edits went well for the past couple of days. Went well past the halfway through mark so soon I’ll be able to resume writing, what with the three extra scenes we thought of during the edits. So far we only found three inconsistencies in the plot, which have already been resolved, thank you very much.

There were harvests, nice lunches of fresh veggies, and dinner as well, and on the overall busywork that I just won’t bore you with right now.
The temperatures are rapidly dropping. Now the evenings are ‘round 15 Celsius (59 F), which I find downright chilling. As of yesterday, I have my winter blanket on again, which is rather wonderful. The dogs love it to, snuggling up to us happy as you please.

I did some more kick boxing, which was wonderful as usual. I am feeling much better since picking it up again after a year without. I think that the mentality of the sport does me well, because depression is less of a problem when I diligently hit that ball. Hah.

Well, that will be all for now. So much to do, so little time. Guess I’ll be back ‘round Wednesday at the latest.

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