
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Feels like Spring!

Song of the day: “In and out of love” by Armin van Buuren and Sharon den Adel. I know, who’d have thunk I’d ever like anything by a DJ, but there you go. Hah.

I just got back from a run with the Knight…right after I had to replace his bandage for the third time, darn it. It seems that every day he gets it in his head that he needs a clean one, and will rip the old one off. Luckily he lets me put a new one on his stump, because what with his tendency to walk into stuff, I am rather afraid to leave it all out in the open. On the most part it doesn’t look bad. All the stitches, except for one are holding, and though it bled a little last night after he licked at it (he sticks the stump into his cone to get to it) there doesn’t seem to be a lot of damage done. Other than that, he appears to be healing well and easily kept up while we ran today.
As a treat he’s been getting sausages, and tomorrow grandpa will buy a pound of liver for him so we can substitute the blood-loss a little.

Okay, let’s move along. Since yesterday was a virtual loss with another trip to town, I’m just giving a sum-up rather than a detailed description.
I started the day making fresh cream cheese and chilli for lunch.
There was some gardening, checking up on the veggies, planting cauliflowers, sprouts and leek, and walking tenant down into the yard.
She went all the way down to the terrace of the arches, which was at least twenty yards further than usual. Hah. She did excellent, and really enjoyed the sunshine while we ate Chilli, followed by continuing with the arbor for the brambles and raspberries. We had wanted to finish it, but considering I had to go to the store to pick up my fixed phone, visit our insurance agent (little sister still didn’t receive her replacement card) and then to the industrial area to pick up the woodstove we ordered for the big house the other day.

We were successful in all endeavors and my phone works again, so by the time we got home, big brother and I started on the edit and that was that.

The only good really good thing was that the weather was splendid...and still is, for that matter. Not cold at all anymore. Felt like spring, in fact.

Which brings us to today:
It’s been a tad busy, in particular since I started the morning making dough for a chard pizza, and a normal one, because let’s face it, the sibs are still picky eaters. *sigh*
Next, after a rather late breakfast and a long session of folding dry, and hanging wet laundry, and then getting the stuff I needed to continue with the tiling of the laundry corner. Oh, did I mention that in one of the previous blogs? Well, anyway, I am tiling the corner for the washing machine. Yep, the mess in that corner was driving me friggin’ bonkers for years and I finally decided to do something about it.

While big brother and I are putting up a days of sorts and tiling the lot, grandpa is doing the wood-work for the large folding table I’m getting there, along with two large baskets that will hang underneath to hold the dirty laundry. It is starting to look more and more like a bath house and this is somewhat entertaining.

Regretfully we ran out of glue before we were done, so we stopped and went down to have lunch with tenant (she insisted on going down again) before doing some mild gardening and continuing on with the framework for the arbor. Two more slats to go and it will be done. Yay.

After this came the running, of course, well after doing Knight II’s tail of course. Such a stubborn boy, our Knight. But anyway. I was off to a bad start, but finished with a good sprint that made up for it in spades.

Which means that I am now done with the blog, because I need to edit and catch up on my messages. Gotta go.

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