
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Digging it. :-D

Song of the day: “Foundations” by Kate Nash. There was another one, but I can’t remember which one it was…a good thing, because I remember going bonkers yesterday with it tumbling through my head all day.

Things have been going steadily these past few days, chores and projects alike taking up my time, and making the days past rather fast.
The weather has been downright splendid, by the way. Full sunshine (though today there were misty clouds overhead all of a sudden), not a real cloud in the sky and temperatures that shot up to eighty at the very least. I was thrilled, I assure you. What am I saying? I AM thrilled.

I mean it. It was absolutely wonderful working outside, and except for the morning, which were spent with tiling and grout work, I got my sunshine vitamins. Hah.
But let’s get to the proper sequence…or at least insofar as I can remember them correctly. The old noggin’ sure is giving up on me every now and then.

I remember having a dream where someone was giving my a big bag of money. I was just about to take it too, when the friggin’ alarm went off. Very frustrating that, but since I don’t remember anything else remotely interesting about the dream, I won’t be doing a full recount of it. More’s the pity, really. I bet it was an interesting one. I’ve been wondering all day where I was getting the money for.

Okay, what else. Beside the tiling/grout work I finished putting together the arbor, which now looks absolutely gorgeous, thank you very much. I will post pics soon. Really, it worked out better than I’d anticipated. Considering it is as of recently tenant’s favorite spot to sit, it also does also look quite inviting. I don’t know why but every time I look at it I’m seeing 16th century clothes and some damsel gliding through it. Hah.

We’re back to watering plants, and considering we now have the basin to do the bigger parts, we should be able to keep the water bill a little bit lower this year. That is the plan anyway. Finding out if it works is a whole new ball game.

There was laundry (I know, boring, but it does happen for some reason)…I gave up postponing and just the put the washing machine on the floor, rather than let the pile grow. Of course it didn’t even put a dent in the pile, but at least four batches got washed and hung. I should be able to put the machine on its pedestal tomorrow, which is when I will post a picture to show of the new tiling. It is absolutely beautiful! Still a bathhouse image, though. *sigh*

Tenant decided to go only as far as my cabin terrace today, but she enjoyed the wonderful weather just as much as we did.
Mom and the sibs spent the past couple of days on markets. Both days went well, so it was worth the effort, I would say…even though they are of course dreadfully tired.

But anyway: After mixing cement for big brother, who is working on building another seedbed in the garden pit, our friend Dani arrived, and she and I started digging under the house. What with the weather improving like this, it is time to get the foundation for the new support wall dug out, and since she insists on helping out with this particular arduous task, it went rather fast for a first day. Most of the time was spent with me babbling about the W.I. Investigations, and the ideas that have been chasing through my brain of late. It doesn’t help either that there was a good review for “The Martyr” either, because now the stories are once again chomping at the bit to get out. *sigh* But where was I? Oh yeah, digging: First we had to chop our way through the root system, then, through about a foot of dirt, followed by another half foot of rocks. Oh my gawd. It’s been way too long since I did some serious digging. My back is whining, my hands are blistered and muscles are complaining…but it feels grand. Grand, I tell ya! (Gotta convince myself yet, you understand, hah) Seriously, though. It was a good day in regard to physical activities. We were in the shade of the reed, the sun was hot, the air cool, and already my tan is coming back, so what the heck, I’m calling it a Good day no matter what.

I think we got about half of the foundation dug out, meaning that in the next few days we’re going to have to do some trips to get some serious rocks. I prefer to have big ones for the foundation, so we’re going to need at least fifteen of 150 pounds a pop, I’m guessing. It is going to be interesting to see how we’re going to get them in, though. Hah

The digging was going well, but then my stomach started to scream murder, and came crawling up to see if my throat had been cut. *sigh* So lunch was the result, after which (while digesting) I got so friggin’ tired that I ended up reading some edit pages, and then taking a catnap in the full sunshine. I was gone for fifteen minutes at the very least, but felt distinctly better by the time I got up from the chair.

The remainder of outside work was transplanting tomato seedlings into pots, and heading down to check if the spinach and beets needed water (yes!) and to see how the newly planted cauliflowers were doing (excellent). That done we went up to eat some custard that grandpa had made and then the day outside was over, much to my regret. I can’t wait for summer where we’ll be able to be outside all day again.

Edits are still going on steadily, and thought we had a few bad days where time was just too much of a hassle and getting our quota of a chapter a day impossible, but we’re back on track, I think…that is, if I don’t dawdle too much here today. Drat!

Knight II is getting impatient with his collar (he wrecked it again, and we had to repair it with metal. Idiot!) and the bandage. In fact he ripped it off twice today and lost one of his stitches in the process. Really, I could throttle him for making this harder than it should be. Aaargh. But anyway, luckily he is still letting me put on new bandages, even though I had to have a rather serious conversation with him about his behavior. Really, it shows bad manners, yanking at stitches like that. *sigh*

Well, this ought to do it, because except for the rather depressing bit of news that Touri’s condition seems to be worsening again, I don’t remember what else to say today.
I’m outta here.

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