
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Knight...aaargh!

Song of the day: “Opposites Attract” by Paula Abdul. Gosh, it has been ages, but who can blame my after looking her up on Youtube yesterday. There were others too, but this is the one that stuck.

First off, The Knight is driving me absolutely bonkers. Seriously, I love him like…well, I love him, but seriously, after almost a week of bruising because of that friggin’ cone he wields like a lethal weapon (had to fortify the stupid thing with steel and bolts, ya know), him yanking off his bandage at least once, but sometime twice, or thrice a day, and NEEDING to lie on top of me the moment I try to get some sleep, is wearing me down. The idiot, why I just oughta throttle him…which would be totally unfair of me, the poor baby with his mutilated tail. But I’ve gotta rant for a bit. Yesterday, I decided to leave his tail open for a bit, allowing the wound to dry a bit, but then, the moment I didn’t pay attention to him, he licked the mess open, removed two more stitches and was bleeding. I berated him thoroughly, and he looked properly castigated afterwards. In fact he hasn’t touched it since, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

The big lug scared the bejeezus outta me, though. I could see myself heading back to the vet again. Luckily it stopped again, and later tonight I’m going to open everything up to put clean bandages on. We’ll see how it looks then.
I did take him out on a rock-hauling trip tonight, so he should be a little quieter tonight…I hope.

Okay, on to more interesting ventures. What’s been going on these past couple of days. Yes I know, you’ll be chomping at the bit over there at your screen, I know I am. *sigh*
Seriously though. The days involved mostly little chores all over the place. Which wasn’t necessarily bad, considering the weather turned for the worse again.

The arbor arches are done now, and yes the pictures are on my phone, meaning I will post them as soon as I need to cheat again and can post at least ten pictures of something interesting. It’s looking good and I have already led the brambles and raspberry vines into it.

Big brother finished building the seedbed in front of the greenhouse and we put the cover glass on top of it just yesterday. Nice and big and the pepper plants that we’re going to put in them are going to have a nice lead on the others once the temperatures go up again. Which reminds me, gotta take a picture there too. Hah.

Edit wise yesterday went rather splendid. We totally caught up on our slacking of the past few days, and we are back on schedule. We’re just about to start chapter twelve…just after I finish writing today’s blog in fact.

The laundry corner is basically done, and if all goes as planned we should be able to hang the folding table over it come tomorrow. It came out beautiful. Dark brown/red varnish that really sparkles, and it will contrast marvellously against the blue and white tiles. Then I only need to make the wooden baskets to hold the dirty laundry beneath it, and it will be all done…except for the floor, but that can wait.

This morning was spent making lunch of lentils, cauliflower, sweet corn, green peppers, garlic, onion and a bit of cream cheese to soften the fresh tomatoes in it. Though I am not the biggest fan of lentils they did go down rather nicely on the flatbread I made with it.

One of mom’s sewing machines had to be fixed, and after we took it apart we managed to correct the problem well enough.

Also there was the stuck handle of the Land Rover, for which we had to take the door apart, but that problem was also solved, making it fully functional once again.

The closure of the metal storage was broken as well, so big brother replaced the lock before we started working on the folding table in the late afternoon.
I was ridiculously tired this afternoon, which is definitely to be blamed on the fact that these days I’m lucky if I can get five hours of sleep a night. I finally gave up this afternoon and took my dogs to my cabin for a short nap…bad idea, considering it was chilly, and the dogs kept hogging my blankets, leaving me seriously cold by the time I got up and got back to work. I didn’t manage to get warm again until later in the day after I took a hot shower.

Which brings me to the end of my recount. I got a wee bit distracted chatting online, so I am way behind right now. If only the days were a couple of hours longer, eh? There’d be time for everything then. *sigh*

Gotta go.

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