
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ever, ever, EVER...

Song of the day: “Halo” by Beyonce, and “Crazy” by…hmmm, gotta check that. Oh yeah, Patsy Cline. I don’t know why, but for some reason that one is popping up every now and then during the course of today.

Let’s get this over and done with, I’ve been way too distracted these past few weeks, and need to catch up on the edits because I’m behind on schedule. Though the reading is going fine, making the alterations on the computer is quickly backing up.

I can, once again, not keep my days straight, so you’re just going to have to use your imagination and figure out where which activity happened.

I do know that the majority of today was spent in the old horse paddock sorting through our glass supplies. What with the greenhouse done, and lots of glass having suffered through the winter there were shards all over the place, and not a single clue as to what we still have. Considering that I do want to (at some point anyway) make my bedroom southwest wall completely of glass, I need to know about the amounts we have available. We just might have enough, but we’ll have to wait and see ‘bout that.

Luckily I ended up with only three or four cuts in my fingers (I remembered to wear gloves for a change) but since my hands were already cut up from working with the brambles and bougainvillea, they aren’t as appreciative as I’d like. Hah.

Suffice it to say that the stacks are neat again, and the new brackets we put up are sturdy enough to hold the lot for a while yet. We’ll get the paddock neat yet…I hope.

Since Knight II once again decided to take his bandage off (I still don’t dare leaving it uncovered, especially not now that he no longer needs his cone) I had to rebind the stub. Poor darling just let me, and lay there with his head a mere inch away from where I was messing with his tail. Let me do it too without a single complaint. Good Knight.

This night I had a rather annoying dream about the past, definitely not something worth sharing here since it is merely one of frustration and muddled memories that I won’t bother sharing. It wasn’t interesting at all, so…whatever.

There was a long afternoon spent in the yard, which I found absolutely wonderful. The sun had come out, even though both this morning and yesterday morning were downright pitiful with clouds and mist. We planted potatoes, weeded around chard and fruit trees alike, allowing for black plastic to be put around (the trees that is) to keep future weeds away. Still several to go, but we’re getting there.
I put up some more little reed fences to protect the new patch, because let’s face it, the dogs won’t stay out of it unless something sturdy is stopping them.
While weeding, I found a wealth of veggies hiding in the lower garden. Onions, leek, chard (of course) and even some of the herbs are coming back up, which is absolutely grand.

What else. Well, besides the yard work, there was some stuff to be done in the greenhouse. We’ve got pumpkins and tomatoes that need to be hardened for the cool outside air in the next week or two. This means that we have to take them out in the morning, let them be outside during the day and then get them back inside around nightfall. They’ll have to “cowboy up” eh? Hah.

There were of course edits, and since they’ve been going the way I already said they did, I won’t elaborate further. *sigh*

Oh Gawd, almost forgot. We basically finished my laundry table/shelves today. Sure the dirty laundry baskets still need to be put together and hung underneath it, but the basic frame is in place and it looks grand. Yay. It holds the wicker baskets and plastic ones perfectly. Almost like I measured them…which I didn’t, darn it. That was a close call. Phew.

Did laundry both days, of course. There’s loads of it, for some reason. Seriously, for some reason we’re turning two to three batches a day now, rather than just one to two. *sigh*

Made herbal cream cheese, and while I was at it, put on a big pot of pumpkin soup too. Both worked out grand, and will be a food source for several days I recon. Hah.

Which reminds me, that there was also a run squeezed in somewhere. The way up the mountain went rather miserable, I admit, but once we were back on our way down, I manage to run farther than I ever did before. Had me quite thrilled, actually, and somewhat in a “Oh my Gawd that is the first time I ever did that. Ever. Ever.” And so on and on, while trying to catch my breath and keep from fainting with the fierce pinch in my side. Hah. Seriously, though. It went well. And there I thought (slogging up the mountain) that I’d made no improvement at all these past few months.

Which sums up my couple of days. Feel free to pop in yours in the comment section. Hah.

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