
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rain, rain and cold. Blast it.

Song of the day: “Low rider” by War. Such a good one to have rumbling in your head.

There is very little to tell about today, considering we’ve been having some dreadful weather with rains that are making me itchy.
Added to that, we had to go out yesterday morning and cooled our heels at the company where we got tenant’s stove. According to the instruction manual it needed a grille inside, but then, after waiting for an hour and checking all the others, the smaller models didn’t need one after all.

We did get tubing too, so the trip was not for nothing in the end.
Did a test run as soon as we got home and since the fire was on anyway, I took the opportunity to bake some pancakes on top of it. They worked out rather nicely if I do say so myself.

By the time ate lunch, we headed out into the yard and planted another small field of potatoes. It was rather nice, even though it was cold and windy. There was an occasional patch of sunshine, and that made all the difference.

Tenant is gradually becoming more independent. Both today and yesterday she managed to make herself a cup of coffee almost completely on her own, which earned her a definite Yay, even as she dropped a tear or two. So great to see her become more independent every single day.

Edit wise, or maybe I should call this proof reading, we’re two chapters into A.T.O.L. and it is going well. I have to admit that after A.I.L. getting back into the fantasy theme is more than just a relief. It is downright thrilling…in particular since it would appear that the last edit really had effect. The changes that we now have to do are typos, commas and a missing “the” and “and” here and there.

Touri’s discomfort appears to be off and on, on the most part…jeez, Dax just scared the crap outta me by jumping on top of my file cabinet. Phew. Sometimes he’s just like a cat. Seriously, he’s perched up there, sitting in a rather feline position and looking miserable on the overall just because everything is wet at the moment…But Touri, where was I? One day I’ve got the idea that he is doing worse, and the next he appears fine. I don’t get it. By his scar there is some tension, but he also runs at times as if he has not a single problem.
I’ll just have to keep my eye on him, and keep giving him his herbsies.

My new laundry lines are really to my liking, btw. They’re still splendidly clean, and so far they’re not full yet. Of course, what with the weather predictions claiming this crappy weather will stay for another three days, that’ll change fast.

I totally overslept this morning, which makes me out of sorts to say the least. Seriously, more than an hour lost to useless sleep.

I’m almost done with my review book: Shadow of the Ghost by Tanner Artesz. Ten more pages to go and then I’ll be able to get started on the review. I’m afraid that if I do agree to doing more reviews for anyone, I’m going to have to insist on a paperback version. It is downright embarrassing that getting through this one took me more than a year, darn it. Now, I can of course start to worry about what to write down about it. Reviews are so very difficult that way.

I am also rapidly making my way through M.M. Kaye’s Trade Wind, and am enjoying myself tremendously. I find it amazing that politically I am seeing so much comparisons to today’s troubles. I mean really, this book was written in the sixties and it refers to the late eighteen hundreds at best, but the troubles are very similar. Strange how history keeps repeating itself. Hah.
At first I definitely couldn’t like the main protagonist, but as the story continues she’s becoming more likeable as the world around her teaches her some valuable lessons. Always good to read.

For the past couple of days I have of course continued to work on my field kitchen. The oven part is in and it went splendidly. Yay. It fit like a clove and the ash drawer is now also fitted. The doors are going to be a pickle for sure, but I’ll think about that when I get to it.

We did a quick tour of the yard and greenhouse this afternoon. The basin is filled to the absolute limit and we managed to find two persistent snails hiding between the plants. They’ve killed quite a few peppers already, the little buggers.

Oh, before I forget: I was looking for metal the other day and got the crap scared out of me. Seriously, I almost stepped upon a green snake lying between the scraps.
I shouted for big brother and chased the dogs away, lest they got bit. Big brother got there with a shovel, but it turned out to be for naught. The snake was already dead. Turns out it had gone between some boards with holes in it, and must have rested there for quite a bit. When it went out through the hole again it must have gotten stuck and died. Phew. I hate snakes, and promptly ended up dreaming about an even bigger on. *sigh*

Well, this will have to do. Not much interesting stuff going on anyway, so I’ll just say by bye and leave in hopes of a better subject in the near future.

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