
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Goodbye Kimo sweetie.

Song of the day: “Ordinary day” by Vanessa Carlton.

What to say, what to write? It is one of those days again that my brain hardly functions, and I can barely remember what I did an hour ago, let alone yesterday.

The fact that this very morning we had to go to the vet to Euthanize old Kimo, (red haired husky) doesn’t help the matter much. It was not really unexpected, all things considered. She’s been with us since ’99 or ’98 even, in fact she came to us the same day old Iris did, and led a good long life, in particular for a husky.
The vet wasn’t at all surprised when we arrived with both Kimo and Akata (the latter needed his vaccination) and discussed our options with her.
Muscle tissue was already low on her, Kimo’s hips were shot, her eyesight was half of what they could be, and all things together, with medication and such we might have been able to prolong things a bit, but would have made life only more uncomfortable for her.
In the end, after going through the motions for Akata (also a husky) the dreaded decision was once again made leaving us with another pack member gone. So hard to say goodbye.

It always threatens to make me sad, but what is the use, really? This loss too will wear, and then life will continue on. As it should, I guess.

It is a dreary day, which suits the events with which it started, I would say. The sky is overcast and there are times when we are completely in the clouds, not allowing me to see further than the nearest tree at the end of my terrace. Weather like this makes me lethargic and down, so I don’t if I’ll be good company here today. Hah.

Okay, let’s get down to business before I get as gloomy as the weather. Later today we should get the washing machine back, so that should be all fine within no time whatsoever.
What did we do yesterday? Not a clue here, but I do know that the weather was absolutely wonderful.
There was gardening, of course, because there is no way in heck that I was going to spend it inside.

The first cherry tomatoes in the greenhouse are turning red, yay. They’re delicious, in particular with a leaf of basil, parsley and a stem of chives. You just wrap the green around it and stuff it in your mouth. Gawd, if only I hadn’t eaten the last one yesterday, I could go down there right now and…

But anyways, edits have been going a little bit bad these past couple of days. Stuff of ordinary life got in the way, and edits, therefore got the bad end of it. Meaning that project wise remarkably little got done. We manage to ad another row of rocks to the wall yesterday afternoon, so in that regard things are going well. And last night we did manage another trip to get rocks, which are always low in stock once we start on the masonry part.

Tenant’s been a bit distracted of late, but this morning she was really looking forward to watching the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William. I’m glad to see that she likes it, even though I can’t really see the attraction. Ah well, to each her own.

I should get to work, because what with yesterday’s distractions I really should get some writing/editing down. Hopefully I have something more interesting to write about the next time, eh?

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