
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy B-day, middle Sis

Song of the day: “Staying alive” by the Beegees. Ah, the good old days, eh? Though, admittedly I have no idea what they were thinking with those tight, white pants back in those days. Hah.

What to write, what to write? On the overall it has been busy the past couple of days, but not so much with anything that is remotely interesting to talk about. We did see a snake the other day, so it really is starting to get essential that we burn an old tire in strategic spots throughout the yard. You see, apparently snakes don’t like the scent of burning tires at all, so for the past few years, whenever we notice snakes in the proximity, we burn a couple to chase them off.

Well, first of all, yesterday I had a job interview. Nothing fancy, just a few hours a week, but we’re going to have to wait and see how it goes. I can’t really say whether the interview went well, or not. It didn’t go bad, I know that much, but to say it went great, I don’t know either. All in all, the job won’t be bad, but I won’t be surprised if it turns out to be a negative.
Ah well...

Okay, other than that, middle sister has her birthday today. Yay. Twenty-seven years old, and going on thirty. Boy are we getting old here. Hah. Seriously, though. I still remember the baby girl she once was, and now I am eye to eye with a fully grown woman. *sigh* Time does pass way too fast.
I started out the morning making apple/pear pie, which turned out splendidly, thank you very much. Gawd, I stuffed myself.

Right. Gardening. There was more of that, of course. Transplanted fifteen more seedling icebergs into pots this very morning. There are a few more plants to put in, in the near future, but then, basically we’ll be done with the sowing and planting, leaving us with watering and weeding for the next few months.

Yesterday afternoon we took our this spring’s last potato harvest, which was plentiful, not to mention colorful. As a matter of fact, they’re a bright pink, which is...interesting to say the least. Now imagine them baked in their jackets with real butter and fresh green herbs. Delicious.
Yikes. I’ve got to stop talking about food. Seriously, my pie is coming back up.

Both yesterday and today the car had to be unloaded. Like this morning, we had a big batch of rocks to bring down to the wall for future masonry. They’re really good ones too, seeing as they have lots of straight edges, which sorta gets grandpa excited. He loves it when the rocks are straight like bricks. Me, on the other hand...I like the challenge of fitting all sorts of shapes together. Ah well, to each his own.

I really had to show Knight II who’s boss yesterday afternoon. For the sheer fun of it, he laid into Arthur, so I chased him up and made sure that he understood this was not acceptable. Of course he proceeded to ignore me the rest of the night, acting all out of sorts and refusing to run when we went out to get that batch of rocks. He’s still upset with me today (he really doesn’t like to be berated for being naughty) but is lying by my feet right now.

Dax’s ear is as good as healed (so’s Knight’s tail, btw) and like Sitabah he is following me everywhere. Tadaika appears to be getting used to me, thankfully. She is drawing gradually towards me and I am patiently trying to wait for her to come up with me (and my dogs) at night when I go to my cabin. She just might do it some day, in particular since she appears to enjoy playing with Sitabah, Dax and Knight II. A miracle that, considering she’s part pitbul and sometimes just a little to enthusiastic. Luckily the other three I mentioned, Knight especially, are more than her equal.

Huh. Okay. I’m done. Oh wow. I managed to keep the day’s blog to one page for a change. Gawd, I just might need to celebrate. Hah.

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