
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Song of the day: “Perfect 10” by the Beautiful South. Very funny, not to mention way too catchy.

I’ve got my usual issue again with trying to remember what I did for the past couple of days, sorry. Drawing a complete blank frustrates me to no end. It’s as if the moment I start thinking about what I should write down, my brain just refuses to dig into the databases, so to speak.

I could of course write my dream down, I had a rather splendid one after all, but I’m going to save it for another day when I remember even less of what happened in the days beforehand. Hah.

Well, let’s start on this morning and work our way back, maybe then I’ll get to remember everything.

Prior to starting on today’s blog, there was some satisfying concrete-block-hauling, where, between the four of us (Dani and grandpa helped big brother and me) we managed to haul down 20 blocks of 80 pounds a pop blocks that will soon be used for the new septic tank. Excellent way to get the muscles lubricated, if you ask me. Hah.

While I was helping tenant this morning, I made pumpkin soup for lunch. Worked well too, seeing as I just ate it. Gawd, seriously, it worked splendidly. I put lentils, leek, onion, broth, garlic and some mango juice in it. I need to write this one down. *sigh*

There was laundry of course, after waking up late this morning (slept through the alarm a couple of times) because I was also late getting to bed last night. Watched “John Rambo” which was hilariously gory. Seriously, I don’t get people’s problems with that type of movies. In particularly not since the message behind it is so very powerful. Ah well, better not start about that. I’d be at it for a page or two.

Preceding to the movie I had a wonderful kick-boxing session in the carport. Worked up a serious sweat, got my heartbeat up to 120 and felt wonderfully energized afterwards. I never would have thought that I would turn into a person who turns peppy after exercise, but the proof is there. Heck, I didn’t even have muscle aches this morning. Hah.

Had dinner of nuggets (doctor’s orders, remember? B12 shortage and all that. It’s gross, but what the heck) and fries, seeing as we’d had backed potatoes (with jackets) with a big salad for lunch. Not to mention grandpa’s wholewheat porridge, which still fills the gaps rather well. Added to that I also ate a couple of pears, so some snacky kind of food was basically just for filling.

Bad news is that the Mimosa tree we trimmed drastically recently, didn’t show any improvement, and even goes as far as dying right before our eyes. Such a pity. For a while we pondered putting a fine into it, but since that won’t change anything, and since we’d only have to kill the vine four years from now when the tree start rotting away, we’ve been discussing its replacement. We want something similar, something fast and something that is affordable. We’re going to have to pay a visit to a nursery to see what’s available.

Around eight in the afternoon we headed into the yard and spend several hours watering the veggies (with the basin, of course), building fences of reed to protect the new terraces and put in some seedling onions, along with two more rows of green beans and several melon plants.
The few dogs that are allowed to stay with us while we’re in the yard (they have learned not to barge through the plants) snoozed most of the afternoon away, as is their habit.

This was all after spending the majority of the afternoon on the greenhouse/basin terrace working on the in-between project. Still going steadily, and rapidly coming to the point where we’ll print it for a proof read. I kinda like it, even though it is ridiculously short. Hah.
In the mean time we also had lunch, which was what I mentioned two paragraphs higher.

The morning was spent work in the yard, of course. We took pumpkin and melon seedlings from the compost heap up at grandpas. They’d just come up, and that was just too good to pass up on. Now we have about ten more standing in the greenhouse, waiting to be put out in the wild. We potted them, and then took peppers and tomatoes down into the yard for planting. The peppers are looking well, but the tomatoes are not at all happy with the bad weather we’ve had.
The melons and pumpkins are slowly recovering though.

That outside foray was of course preceded by laundry, chores and the morning rituals.
See, I more or less managed to cover everything, even though it was once again extremely boring to read about, I’m sure. Can’t help that. It’s the days as they are.

Okay, dog update. There are lots of ticks again, which is frustrating beyond compare. It means that we’re going to have to do another dip in chemicals soon, because the friggin’ parasites don’t give a fig that they’re supposed to die from that crap. It’s like grandpa always says about grass and weeds. “Ticks (too) don’t bear a grudge. They’ll come back, and back, and back, and...” Aaaargh!
Of course except for Ayaana and Pim, who literally get attacked and almost sucked dry by the creatures, the dogs don’t mind at all, seeing as it earns them lots of attention. Whenever we pet them, we’ll be pulling ticks off. Grrr.

Well, that’s it for today. Not much more of interest to share, so I better get back to work.

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