
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tiling = backbreaking. Hah

Song of the day: “I’m just a boy” by Reba McIntire. Yep. I was curious about this particular artist, and ended up downloading several of her songs. Very nice.

Not so much busy these past couple of days, just properly filled with certain project that require patience, more than anything. First of all yesterday was wonderfully quiet as we spent most of it at home, working in the yard.

The weather was most peculiar for this time of year. The temperature was in the mid eighties, which is totally unheard of, and clouds covered the sky until well past four in the afternoon. While big brother made use of the clouds by working on the ladder he’s been making for the Land Rover’s imperial, I was in tenant’s kitchen, making chickpea/lentil burgers. They were going to be lunch together with freshly baked green beans with a white herbal sauce that was absolutely delicious. It worked out really well, if I do say so myself.

There was some serious tile hauling involved, by the way. Grandpa made these stands up by the storage where I’ve been sorting through our stash of tiles. I got enough for tenant’s bedroom, now all I need to gather is for her kitchen and grandpa’s bedroom. He hasn’t made up his mind about his room yet, but I’m betting that sometime next year we will be putting a proper floor in for him as well...for me too, for that matter. I want my hardwood floor, darn it.

Yesterday was definitely a good writing day. Within three hours of computer work (separated in two sessions), I managed to get six pages jotted down that bring the manuscript up to 77 pages, I think. Not bad. Not bad at all. Yay.

In the yard yesterday there was loads to do what with us having been so friggin’ busy this past week. We had harvests to do, weeds to pull, and also, of course, water to dole out. Got a full basket of vegetables to show for our efforts, not to mention a rather pleasant mood once it was time to start working on the computer. Seriously, nothing is quite as relaxing as going through rows of tomatoes, cucumbers and green beans to bind young vines to the support brackets. And those suckers go fast. Jeez, we’re binding new stuff up about every week.

Rather than get sand we went to fetch some filler clay yesterday evening. Since we’re going to have fill up a lot of empty space behind the new veranda wall, we really shouldn’t dawdle too much hauling it into storage.

Grandpa had to go out yesterday morning to get spare parts for his moped, again. The darn thing keeps dying on us, meaning that soon we’ll be forced to do a complete overhaul.

While working on my last blog (you might notice that there were quite a few errors in it, hah) I watched the Crazies and had a blast. Such a long time since I saw a similar one that I enjoyed so much. I’ve gotta admit that Timothy Oliphant is definitely growing on me. Who’d have thunk it after the “Hitman” disaster. But together with Radha Mitchel he made the movie quite entertaining.

Yesterday was finished of with a rather wonderful kick boxing session. Seriously, there is little in this world than can serve as a unwinding as a session attacking a big boxing ball. Now that’s what I call therapy. Hah.

Today, well today was a whole different kind of thing. Today Dani and I tiled tenant’s bedroom. It worked out pretty well, if I do say so myself. Her room now has a beautiful spotted gray border past the wall, with in the center a sixteen-tile square of spotted creme and yellow. At decision time, tenant came inside and opted to go with a bright ocher border around the creme and yellow, and I do admit that it looks good now that it’s all in. The darker yellow makes the center tiles brighter and more yellow than creme, which is good. It gives the room and air of cheerfulness.

So yeah, those were my past six hours, of which my back feels every single second. Jeez. All that bending over, measuring, cutting and gluing really gets to me. I, more than anything, was relieved when I finally finished for the day and was free to get some chow and then head down for a quick dip in the pool. I was seriously overheated. All that needs to be done is taking out the separators crosses and grout work, then the floor will be done. Yay.

My poor doggies, though. What with tenant and grandpa's dogs up there, I had to lock my up in the cabin, lest we'd have a constant orchestra at the fence. Silly Sitabah, just refuses to stay put if I don't close everything up. Poor things were in my cabin for a solid four hours and were none to happy about it either. *sigh*

Which brings me to now. I need a nap, I need to write, and I’m seriously thinking about food again. I have not decided in what order yet, though. Hah.

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