
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bugged...sorta anyway

Song of the day: “Haven’t met you yet” by Michael Bublé. So I’m not his biggest fan, but since this particular song is rather nice, I don’t mind all that much. Hah.

It’s been a busy couple of days, and by now I am more than ready to call it a day for today. Hah. Considering it is only six in the afternoon, this is a bit of a premature feeling, but what the heck. Can’t help the facts, can I?

So lets get this thing going, I still need to go out to get a new load of rocks. Grandpa is wanting to build a small wall in his little courtyard, meaning that we have to get some hand-sized rocks. Big brother and I prefer to work with rocks of more than sixty pounds each, and even though grandpa tries, this is a bit too heavy and unhandy for him. Not that it matters. I’m in need for some exercise anyway. Hah.

Yesterday morning was the morning rituals and the ever-lasting chore of hanging laundry, big brother and I quickly headed out into the yard to check if there was watering needing to be done, harvesting, and so on and on. After about an hour we were done, and headed on up with another basket full of veggies. Yay.

Then it was time to head on out…yes, have you figured out what time of the month it is yet? You know, that day I dread from the moment it is done? The day of…… shopping. *sigh*

Added to the day’s fun-stuff, was the fact that two of my sibs, mom and I piled into the Opel, and basically held our breaths on our way to town. Considering the car had barely managed to get us home the other day, and the fact that going to the village and picking up Sally was almost too much for the poor dear, it wasn’t outside of the realm of possibilities that the car might not make it to town without loosing every last drop of its cooling liquid.

Suffice it to say that we made it to the garage, where the Land Rover was ready and waiting. We could continue on with the breaks for another 700 miles or so (give us a couple of weeks *sigh*) and they had to refill the transmission box’s oil (still a problem there, apparently) but other than that the car was in top shape, allowing us to head on out into the day (leaving the Opel there) and face the grocery shopping.

All went as planned, and around five in the afternoon I could come and pick up the Opel again. The mechanic had taken a test drive before and after the repairs, he but in a more sensitive switch for the fan, which was a bit tardy for cooling the engine. Since he’d heard a strange thumping sound he also tightened some sort of tube (I had no idea what he was talking about but what the heck) which solved that problem. Yay.

So we got the groceries done and headed on home with both cars, where we unloaded, had a quick supper of yesterday’s leftovers. Afterwards big brother and I immediately got to work on the edit, interrupted by going through messages, followed by me, starting on a letter to a literary agent I’ve been thinking about contacting for quite a bit now. The letter is…hmmm, different, perhaps just a tad too honest and elaborate, but I do think that the message comes across. I’ll have to reread it a few more times, check everything a dozen times and then maybe, just maybe I’ll send it over. Hah.

Got to bed a little on the late side, but did manage to wake up in time, and as planned, around noon we were working in the yard taking out the green bean plants since this was the last harvest. It was a rather wonderful day for it. The temperatures mild, the sun bright and a cool eastern wind rolling in from the sea. Big brother and I were each tackling different sets of vines when suddenly it happened, from within the deep dark vestiges of the constructions I once so happily built, an egg-sized bug flew up and buzzed around me. What followed was five minutes of the creatures volleys towards me, the dogs--as a matter of fact it chased Sonia for a bit--and then it happened. I felt a stab in my lower back and with a squeal I dropped the basket full of beans I was holding. Madly I slapped at the painful spot, felt, and soon saw that the bug was literally ripping through my skin and crawling underneath. I started the screaming then, flaying my arms all the while, “Get it out! Get it out! Big brother is chasing me, trying to get to the darn thing while I’m basically running around like a chicken without a head. I can feel it crawling under my skin, a burning sensation similar to acidic, and then I see it. The moving bulge coming over my shoulder, going to my chest where my heart beats like mad. I scream louder, faintly hear big brother mutter something calming as he takes out his knife and comes at me. And then…I wake up.
Yeah. What did you think? That we have skin crawlers a-la “The Mummy” around here? Jeez. Of course it was a dream!
One that made me uncomfortable as heck, considering today was gardening day, and we did plan on taking out the beans while going through their last harvest. Got a nice full basket too, and even though there were unreasonable moments when I feared that it would, no flying bugs trying to attack me, or crawl under my skin. Hah.

Added to the beans, we also harvested four more pumpkins, bringing the total up to ‘round thirty, I’m guessing. Along with several zucchini, which are finally producing something again.
While I was working on the beans with big brother, grandpa got started on turning earth in preparation for the potatoes that we’re going to plant just as soon as we can.

That done, head on up to the outside kitchen where for the remainder of the afternoon tenant and I prepare supper and then wash pots for tomorrow’s canning session. Yay! Got 22 of them, so we should manage getting all those beans in just fine.

Which brings us to the blog, doesn’t it. I started on it while I’m sterilizing the bottles, and have been doing exactly that for the past two hours, or so. I for one, am more than looking forward to getting a big load of rocks later on, if for no other reason than being able to use some serious muscle power again. It’s just a pity that we’re getting small rocks, eh?

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