
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Picking up archery

Song of the day: “Living Darfour” by Mattafix. It’s been going through my head off and on for a bit. Took my by surprise this song, by the way, I had stupidly presumed that it was sung by a woman, so when I then youtubed the video, I saw that I was completely wrong. Guess what that say about assuming is true, eh?

Lots of small things getting done these past couple of days. Nothing major, just little chores that need to be done and just take a lot of time.
First of all, we’ve been turning earth again. What with September being here now, time to plant potatoes has arrived and we’re going at it with a fervor. Every single spot that wasn’t used for potatoes last year, we’re preparing.

Afterwards, Dani, tenant and I, headed down to the basin terrace, where we were going to spend the majority of the day canning green beans and peppers. It was a cosy chick-day, once again, even though I missed the beginning of it. Since grandpa and big brother were digging, I went down into the yard to water the veggies that are, at the moment functioning without drops.

Then it was blanching beans, and peppers that tenant and Dani had prepared already. Filled a total of nine pots with beans and three with peppers, which look splendid, so colourful and yummy in their pots.

Next we made cream cheese, because, let’s face it, to buy cheese you’ve got to sell a kidney these days. We overdid with the herbs a little, but who cares, variety is the spice of the soul they say.

That done, along with supper of chilli sin carne with arepas patties, we had to hurry to get everything that wasn’t supposed to get wet under cover, because from the south west massive clouds (thunder) came rolling in. We didn’t get much rain from it, but the temperatures did drop drastically since then. It’s been 66 degrees off and on since then.

Grandpa wants a new little wash basin outside by his bungalow, so he and big brother put that in yesterday afternoon and poured a concrete square in front of it. I cut the tiles they needed to lay on it.

The end of the day was spent with edits, along with a wonderful workout session that had me pound the bag considerably. What with more than a week of too little time for a workout, this one was rather necessary. Did forget to do the cool down exercises afterwards, meaning that my shoulders hurt like heck all day today.

Got to bed way too late, but that didn’t stop me from getting up in time this morning.
After the usual morning stuff, you know, laundry and coffee, I headed on up to have breakfast at grandpa’s prior to going out to the old horse paddock where we were going to pour concrete this morning. What with the Opel being slightly lower than the last car, it’s been scraping against the bottom, so we’re filling the sweep up a little to prevent that from happening.

And since there was little more than wheelbarrowing the concrete in for big brother, and since grandpa could do that just as well as I could, I headed down to the carport to saw strips of the large MDF plating we have stored them temporarily. We need them to be shorter in order to store them in the storage up the mountain.

After wards I put together our new target for archer practice, after which both big brother and I took some time to practice. Hit the bullseye three times, the target 15, the board surrounding it, three times, and overshot twice. Progress, yay!

There was some more rain, but that didn’t stop us from going down to the basin terrace where we cooked dinner, made cacti lemonade, and I washed Gada. She’s not been doing well at all, and I’m really going to have to do something about that, or else take her to the vet.

I tagged yesterday’s preserves and took them up to the storage. All closed well…or at least they did so far, and since this seems to be the last batch of them, I think we had a successful canning season.

Now I’ve got to go. Got another edit to do after all, and…well, you know, busy, busy, busy.

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