
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to the wall

Song of the day: “Que sera sera” by Doris day, and “Why not me” by Enrique Iglesias, the first mainly because I was walking down the mountain with tenant, and for some reason we always end up singing Doris Day. Hah. As for Enrique…cool song. He does the I’m-a-poor-little-boy-adopt-me thing soooo well.

Well…what has been going on? I would ask you, my reader to tell a little about your day, but so far whoever you are, you prefer to just read. I respect that, don’t worry. Go right ahead. *wink*

Let’s see if I can do this in the proper sequence, if not, presume that I just don’t remember it and figure it out.

First thing I remember about yesterday was unloading the car. It was the first task of the day, since the night before we’d gone to town and got a load of kitchen rolls on sale. Same goes for mango juice, which was incredibly cheap, and so yummy. But anyway, we had to unload that and some wood stuffs.

Next we had to head back to the city, because I bought the wrong size shoes the other day, and had to exchange them. Almost didn’t manage it either seeing as the price had changed, and they tried to make me pay the difference. Which was ridiculous, and I ended up taking the right sizes shoes home without paying extra. Phew.

While I made supper of beets with potatoes, cream and a tiny bit of cheese, big brother and grandpa worked in the lower garden planting more potatoes for winter. Since we were cooking anyway, tenant also cut zucchinis, which I put on for today’s soup. Meaning I would not have to cook today. Yay.

Once we had supper behind us, I started digging under the house where we’re going to built the septic tank some day soon. First of all, we need the soil from that place to fill the planters in the greenhouse, and secondly, there’s still a ways to go before we can start with the foundation.

It took me a solid half hour to get through the root system of the reed growing there, but then I could start filling the wheelbarrows. Ended up filling three before we had enough re-supply the greenhouse’s permanent planters, and the big tub that holds soil for the multi-pots and such. Also decided to sow several trays, since we were working there anyway, and put in white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and chard. We’ll see how that goes.

Yesterday’s edit went rather atrociously, seeing as big brother and I were constantly at ends about sentences. The once I got, he didn’t and the other way around. So frustrating when that happens. Makes me want to crawl up the walls. But anyway, who cares, it was just an evening, and we will discover if tonight things go any better. Was late getting to bed, partly because Nata (Golden retriever) appears to be suffering from sort of infection around his toes. Where the heck that comes from, I don't have a clue.

I overslept by at least forty minutes, which, as you know, frustrates me to no end. It made me feel rushed, and the fact that grandpa called to ask if I could help out tenant (caregiver was at her other job today) before heading down to the house. That had to be done of course, which made me even later to do the laundry and such. Ah well, can’t be helped, I guess, and tenant was in a cheery mood, and that’s good on most days.

During breakfast, I’d already devoured two coffee by then, I decided to make some chickpea dough so I could make patties in the afternoon to eat with the soup. Though I love soup, I always need something substantial with it. Since we didn’t actually have a lot of bread today, we were going to need it.

After finishing packing up, supper in the bags so to speak, tenant and I started on our way down the mountain. (We are now at a point where I no longer need to support her on our way down. Instead she does the walking all by herself and I just walk along in case of…whatever.) While she grandly accepted to do yesterday’s dishes, (yes, she can even do that now) I headed back up to see if I could rush big brother and grandpa down.

While big brother wheeled the cement mixer down, grandpa carried the pan of soup, and I took a wheelbarrow full of cement bags to the basin terrace. Since we want to have the terrace cleared of sand before the rains start, we decided that today was a good day to start using it again.

So grandpa made cement, and after big brother watered the new potatoes down the mountain, we started clearing the ground in three different spots. Big brother was going to build the last planter in the garden pit beside the greenhouse, and I was going to build the two planters over by the new wall on either side of the stairs.
I won. In the three hours that followed (we’re going to put dame da noche in there) I built my two, while big brother got his first row of rocks in. Yay…turns out I became a little more competitive than I used to be over the past three years or so. Hah.

That done, I took about half an hour heating supper, which was fast and nutritional, and I didn’t dare sit down lest I wouldn’t be able to get up again. Stupid foot was being a pain again. Grrr.

Next, on grandpa’s insistence, I headed to the berry bushes’ fence, and put in the last pole so I could finally finish the dratted thing. Looks cute. Very ranch-like, on the overall. That done, I headed down into the yard for some harvests, and watering the plants that are still sans drip system, poor things. We’ll have to correct that soon, I guess.

I hauled some more rocks, and then it was time to walk tenant up so we could take a quick dip in the pool. I’m seeing only a few more swims in the near future, seeing as the water is rapidly turning nippy, darn it. She really enjoyed that too, at which time I was running on fumes and figured it was about time to sit down and start doing some computer work.

There will be some more edits I’m sure, but first I’m going to have to finish that friggin’ synopsis for A.T.O.L. so I can finally start sending it out to publishers. *sigh*

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