
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Seriously...blowjob?! Eeewwww!!!

Song of the day: “Man down” Rihanna. Who’d have thunk it, but apparently I can like this particular artist anyway. Go figure.

First I’ve got a rant that just has to get out.
For a moment here, I wanna talk about inappropriate behavior, because, seriously, I am no prude but…well, let me explain what happened. Big brother and I were out the other day, driving through the city late at night, when, on the pavement, up ahead a man (in his late forties I’m guessing) was standing by a park bench, and in front of him was a woman (mid-twenties, not a day over twenty five, if she was a day) who appeared to be in distress. I was like, awww, how sweet, the guy’s daughter is crying, and he’s comforting her, and yes, as we passed, I saw it clearly, he was standing in front of her, his hand gently stroking the back of her head as she rested her forehead against his belt buckle.
I glanced at big brother, and then out the window once more to look back at the…blowjob?! Yep. From this particular angle there was no mistaking it. To me it was a definite moment of “Aaawww, how swee…what the…” I snap back forward and blink at the fully lit street ahead. “Right. Blowjob.” Thank you for that imagery, bunch of weirdoes.
Seriously, it was almost midnight, but here in Spain that means that kids are still roaming the streets, riding around on their bikes and whatnot. I should have had hung out the window and shouted, “Get a effing room you perverts.”
I mean it; I have nothing against people orally doing…well, stuff. To each his own and all that. But do they have to friggin’ do it in the middle of the street for all the world to see? Do they have to emotionally scar me for life just because they like the risk of being caught? I mean, really. I don’t like to have my naïve awww moment wrecked by the harsh reality of two people doing THAT right where I can see it. Jeezzz!

Okay, rant over. Let’s get to it.

After not hearing my alarm at all yesterday morning, I was rushing through every single morning ritual in an attempt to catch up. I hate nothing more than being behind with stuff. Puts me in a nasty mood that’s a fact. But anyway, there were the morning things, chores and laundry before I headed up to tenant and helped her get ready to walk down to the basin terrace with me. Caregiver had to be elsewhere, so we were on our own. Hah.

While doing that, my phone went. Turned out that the newspaper where I applied for a job recently wanted to see me around five, so yeah, that’s when the nervousness started. Nothing to serious, but strangely enough my mind always starts to think of worst case scenarios, which is not a good thing at all. I finally decided to just head down into the yard.

There were plants to water, and since I was down there needing distraction anyway, I spent a couple of hours trimming tomato plants, and re-hanging their branches. Very calming to do that, nothing like hot sun, green bushes and dirty hands to get you grounded, eh?

By the time I was done I headed up to the outside kitchen for supper. A veggie mix with chickpea/lentil burgers that went down excellently. Such an easy way of eating nice.

But anyway, after that I had to head on up (caregiver was home by then) to get ready to go to my surprise job interview. Ended up being half an hour late, because I got lost in the mazes of streets and the office didn’t have a big plaque out, or anything. Finally had to call (hate that) and say that I was in the street but couldn’t find them. Got there, had to fill in some forms, and then was brought to the back to talk with the woman who did the hiring.
I don’t know. I guess I’ll be surprised if this job goes through, because our talk wasn’t the most auspicious one, but I’ll just have to see. She said she would talk with her bosses, and would get back to me if I got hired, but other than that I was outta there in less than fifteen minutes. Talk about a waste of time. *sigh*

On the way home we did a few groceries, mostly hoping for the sale of thermos cans, but they were there yet, so we were back on the road again within no time.

Once home there was, of course, and edit. I mean, seriously, we’re in the middle of a full length novel edit, of course it’s isn’t done yet. And afterwards I got curious about the fight technique called Krav Maga, and ended up watching some demos of it on youtube. I’m so going to use it for a book some day, and if I can manage it, maybe even learn it myself.

I, more than anything, was pleased to be in bed on time, though. I was totally wasted. Hah. Then I almost overslept this morning because of the clock grandpa lend me, which stopped, for some peculiar reason at the 2:30 in the morning, leaving me completely reliant on my phone. Luckily, I woke to the tune of my phone alarm, making me only five minutes late for a change. Hah.
There was laundry, breakfast, yada yada yada, and then I was chatting with tenant for a bit before I got tools and headed down into the yard to start turning earth for the new potato patch.

The weather was fine, a cool south eastern wind, and the sun was shining (no more than 92 degrees) and just the right spot in the shade where the actual digging would be done. It took some time what with the root system there, and the compost pile that I had to get to the big one with three full wheelbarrows, and the rocks hiding underground, but I got it done.

By then my foot was complaining by the way. Standing at a constant slant is not the smartest thing for plantars faciitis. *sigh* I for one was happy to gather the tools and head on up and start on supper. Made pumpkin, herbal, pepper, onion and garlic mix which worked out so well that I might consider making it again some day soon.

After eating and relaxing for little over half an hour, (put up some glass pots for tomorrow’s canning) and then headed down again to water a few patches in the lower yard, along with the young eucalypti that still need that extra bit of water. That done there was some more harvesting to do (got a total of twenty tomatoes, I think) and taking the new dried herbs from the drying cupboard.

Now all that’s left is the upcoming edit, meaning that the end of the evening is rapidly coming towards me, thankfully. Heck, right now, I could do with a nap, and yet I know that there isn’t time.
Gotta go.

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