
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh no, not again. *sigh*

Song of the day: “The Barrowland Ballroom” by Amy MacDonald. I’ve had it in my head before, and probably will again, but what the hey, it’s a good song.

So, I decided to be smart about it, and kept notes of the past couple of days. Not a lot going on, mostly just busy work on my part, but that too is part of life and as such there is no choice but to share it…or is there. Maybe I oughta go for fiction. You know, make up something exciting? Hmmm. That would defeat my title, wouldn’t it? The thoughts, rants and life of a…what did I write up there again? Ah well, you get my drift, I’m sure.

Right. Let’s start this in the right sequence and start with yesterday.
I overslept, and not just a little either. No way! I blame it on grandpa, who called me at the crack of dawn, asking me to go up to tenant to help her out. I was halfway to the door already, the dogs screaming around me, when I asked where caregiver was…at which point grandpa realized that he wasn’t talking to caregiver but me. *sigh* Seriously, there was no way in hell that after that I would hear my alarm go off, over and over again. In fact I didn’t wake up until ten thirty which is waaaaay too late.

I was rushing through the rest of the day, in particular since I had only such a short time to do the normal chores before we headed out to the city where we had to drop off the Opel, again! We chatted with the mechanic a bit, did some groceries, mostly storage stuff, and then headed back home, much relieved that with a little luck we might actually get some edits done.

Of course, by the time we got there, it was time to make supper, and after supper we only had a couple of hours left for edits (added to that our concentration was shot!). Considering that the weather was miserable, clouds all over the place, I was downright chilly the whole time and managed only a handful of pages before it was time to head on down to the yard.

Did a good harvest, though. Another big batch of green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers aplenty. They made a great meal of mixed veggies that we ate alongside chickpea/lentil patties. Loved it. Got a phonecall to inform me that the car wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow, so at least we didn’t have to go out for THAT.

Regretfully, yesterday was not a early night for me. We had an appointment in the city to pick up some donated cupboards, which took an eternity to get into the car. We ended up putting one on the imperial, two in the back and one where the back seat was supposed to be. Ah well, got it all home, thankfully.

Did get to be in time, thank you very much, and that was sublime. I love getting to bed in time. I’ll flop down and be out like a light. Hah.
Best thing about getting to bed on time is that because of it, I also got up in time.

After laundry and such, it was heading up to the carport so we could start on digging out the area behind my cabin. This will be the new storage area. Sure, it won’t be much more than a roof with pillars holding it up in the end, but still, it will allow us to get stuff that’s in the way…well, out of the way. Hah.

While big brother wielded the small jackhammer, about two wheelbarrows of debris got gathered. In the mean time I tagged the last batch of preserves before heading down to the basin for supper and edits.

Didn’t get much done, partly because I was friggin’ nauseous after supper. Made pan pizzas, in case you’re wondering. They were wonderful…but then, these past few days I’m nauseous a lot, meaning that I can’t enjoy it for long. *sigh* Ah well, Not much I can do about it, really. It does scare me a little, however, considering it reminds me of the two year vomit. I soooo do not want a repeat of that.

But anyway, didn’t get much editing done, and then had to head to the city to pick up the Opel. Since we heard that they were not going to charge us for this thing either, we decided to take along a batch of veggies for the lot of them. They seemed to like it when big brother plonked it down on the desk, so it felt like a nice gesture to counter the good service. Even added a melon for them. Afterwards we headed back home, but made a slight detour to the village where we got thirty bags of cement. We really went through the last batch fast, in particular due to the drive sweep concrete. *sigh*

Which brings us to now, where we had a quick meal and the time has arrived to start on the day’s edit. I really should get to it fast.

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