
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Song of the day: “Disturbia” by Rihanna. Totally inappropriate for a splendid day like today, but there you have it.

Been incredibly busy for the past couple of days, and yes, I have held up to my part of the deal (one I made with myself, of course), I have exercised every single morning for the past three days. Three days ago I…well we decided that it was time to do some serious cowboy-the-f**k-up…ping (I know, it’s not a real word, but I like it anyway) and schedule in some workouts. And we have, in spades.

There was punching, kicking, weight-lifting, jumping kneeing, sit-ups, push up, Aerobics and everything else that fits into an hour and a half workout. I moaned, groaned and puffed, but I made it through three sessions so far…and paid for it dearly.

Muscles trembling, but wonderfully warm, I headed down into the yard with big brother. While he went down to water plants, I headed into the greenhouse and discovered a new pest in the young tomato plants: leaf miners! That sure is a first, pesky little bastards are eating their way through the leaves and since discovering I have cut out at least fifty of them from no more than thirty plants. *sigh*

After that came groceries, and basically I knew it was going to be vastly interesting by the time I realized I almost couldn’t step into my jeans. Hah.

Nope, yesterday was no walk in the park in regard to my muscles. Every step screamed complaint, and that while it was grocery shopping day. I kid you not, but my head didn’t even bother to complain about this particular day. Instead there was a constant “ouch, ouch, ouch” as I went in and out of the car (slowly, infinitely slowly) in and out of the stores (more than a little wobbly) and tried to ignore the persisting agony. Hah.

Seriously, though, it was not that bad. I know the pain of workouts and I actually kind of enjoy them, because I know that I did it right if I can barely raise my feet to get up a stair. My only miscalculation was that we basically started the day before grocery shopping, darn it. Like today, for instance I have basically gotten used to it.

Ah well, no harm done in the end, the groceries got done, and Nata got to stay at home since his fever was completely gone. We did have to go to the vet (after grocery shopping) for her to take out the drip needle, and to check his fever one last time.
He appeared fine, and his test results showed that his liver was having trouble, but nothing else, meaning that with a ten day antibiotic course, along with a thirty day diet, he should be fine. Nata for one was thrilled to go back home with us again.

Of course we were so friggin’ tired by the time we got back, what with unloading, storing, etc., that we didn’t get around to doing a lot of editing. In fact, we did a single sentence before we both decided to call it a day and head to bed early…good thing too, since the alarm went off seven hours later…time for another workout.

Starting went incredibly slow, but once I got my muscles warm it wasn’t half as bad as yesterday. Got all the way through the session and afterwards headed up to tenants to make soup for supper, and prepare chickpea patties for either tonight, or tomorrow.
That done I hung tenant’s laundry as well, considering caregiver was at her other job again, and then helped tenant out to the old horse paddock where she could read in the sunshine.
The plan was that we’d work on fixing the trailer, but then reconsidered and headed down to the carport (with tenant) to work on stuff there.

For the past few weeks so much has been going on that we have been unable to finish stuff. Meaning that big brother started to do woodwork and gadget fixing while tenant helped me sand and wax the cupboard that has been waiting in the carport for weeks now to be put in my bathroom.

Hung that, and then got so annoyed about the mess all round that I cleaned the bathroom, and washes all my windows. Hah. Looking good now.
That done, I went in pursuit of big brother to see how his cabinet fixing in his own room was going…and got annoyed with the spider webs in the patio and big brother’s room because of it.

There were so many of them that most of the woodwork had disappeared. So I tackled the lot with a broom (mom’s ceiling too) and then grabbed a cloth and cleaned the linen closets as well. Might as well go for broke, eh? It all looks a lot better now, and once we had that done, and ate soup with bread, we headed down into the yard once more.

Harvested six pumpkins, some tomatoes and several zucchinis. Supper is going to be good tomorrow, that’s a fact. Hah.

Well, Nata has been following us around most of the day, and having fun to boot. Just five minutes ago he came toddling up the slope with an empty carton box in his mouth. Next he proceeded rip the box a bit, which gave him tremendous satisfaction, I would say.

This is it for today’s blog then. Soon in about fourteen posts, I think, we will reach blog 700, yay. Who’d have thunk it three years ago that I would hold out that long, but there you have it. 700. I still have trouble believing it.

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