
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Vet troubles

Song of the day: “Mysterious Girl” by Peter André. I know, how weird is that. But anyway, I used to like this song a lot, made me giddy for some reason. Hah.

An eventful couple of days, mostly evolving around Nata one of our Golden Retrievers, who decided to get ill the evening before yesterday. *sigh*

But first allow me to relate yesterday to ya. It started off on the late side with me going through the usual morning rituals and heading down into the yard to water plantsies and such. We were a bit in a rush, considering we had several things to do, and be back in time to pick up Bakti, little brother’s dog at the vet. Bakti has come to an age where the opposite sex has become fascinating, so he had to have a snip-snip job done before any accidents happened (Bora is in heat at the moment).

Little brother and mom left at the crack’o’dawn (10 in the morning, hah) and once they got back, mom went to town with big brother and me. First we had to pay our bill at the garage. I hate unpaid bills, so we decided not to wait (as they offered) and paid off the last bit bright and early. Next, mom had to go to a medical center where she had her eyes and motor skills checked so she can get her Spanish Driver’s license.

A lot of pooha for something she had had for more than thirty years, but what the hey, the doctor was nice and she was helped immediately, meaning that by the time we have to go back to traffico, everything should be in order.
She was right in the middle of her check up when the vet hospital called and informed me that we could come pick up Bakti because he woke up from his anesthesia and was making a racket. Since the hospital would closer at two we had to postpone our other errands and pick him up.

Arrived about five minutes too late, but the nurse had waited for us. So we dropped mom and Bakti off at home, and went back to town to pay for grandpa’s insurance, and then get a few groceries, which will save time when on Thursday (tomorrow aaaaargh) we go for the big monthly groceries. *sigh*

That done, we headed home at around five in the evening, and I’d just changed into something more comfortable (work clothes that were really ready for the laundry pile) when big brother came to inform me that we really should go to the vet with Nata. He was looking bad, and since there appeared to be some swelling in his chest.

So there we went, out again, and arriving at the doc’s doorstep at around seven in the evening. There was the usual exam, and the possibility of us having to drive to a nearby lab for a blood-test, rather than wait for a pick up the next dry, when a test in-house showed that it was a liver problem, meaning that we’d need a more thorough test, rather than the one we could arrange on such short notice.

Since Nata was slightly dehydrated, he had to stay over so they could put him on a drip. Also, he was suffering from a fever of a 105.26, so they immediately put him on antibiotics. I hate antibiotics, in particular since I recently did some research on them and discovered that whenever you take antibiotics they kill at least one good bacteria in your body that you will never get back again. But then, there’s not much choice if you’re actually dying, is there?

So Nata got left behind for treatment and we went home more than tired of spending the majority of the day in the car. We had an edit session, of course, and then it was finally time for us to turn in in our respective beds for the night. None were happier than I…well, maybe my dogs. Lazy idiots might enjoy going to bed more than I do. Hah.

Got up an hour early this morning. Definitely wanted to have a workout again, and since for the past few months it appears to be practically impossible to get a session squeezed in at the end of the day, we decided to change the routine a little and do it in the morning. Workout was grand, by the way. Ended up exercising for about two hours and was properly warmed up by the time we finished.
Decided to make use of the warmth, and took a quick dip in the pool to wash off the sweat…I regretted that swim later (was cold, darn it) but once I got down to the yard for another quick check of everything (I love going down there in the mornings too) I warmed up nicely again.

After breakfast and locking up my dogs, we headed out to the village to visit Nata. He wasn’t much improved, but he hadn’t vomited, nor had he diarrhea. He’d been on the drip all night, and his temperature had gone down enough not to worry them anymore.

He was definitely looking at us with a hopeful expression to go home, but it wasn’t time for that. The results won’t be there ‘till later tomorrow afternoon. Poor Nata.
Anyway, we had to get a new load of cement bags, and finally got to pick up the future wood stove for the main house. It’s just as cute as I’d imagined, and it was loaded up right behind the cement bags for us to take home with us. It’s going to be so wonderfully warm in the house this winter. Just imagine how much we’ll be able to save on butane.

Once home, tenant and I walked down to the basin terrace where she helped me cook supper while big brother first helped out grandpa and then went down into the yard for more watering.

With tenant happily chopping away at veggies, I hauled a large garden lounger to the igloo for storage, and took out a mattress roll for morning workouts. I want to do some sit ups, but I am soooo not doing those on the cold hard floor, hah.

Knight II is upset with me at the moment, seeing as I’ve been away so much these past couple of weeks. He really doesn’t like it, and Chaos is often staring at me as if he is not entirely sure if he is able to trust me any longer. *sigh*

Ah well, no helping it, I suppose. Supper on the heater, I headed down into the yard to plant chard on the dams around the new onion fields, harvested two small melons, and then joined tenant so we could eat supper together.

Properly stuffed it was going back up the mountain, tenant right there with me, locking up my dogs again, and then heading out to go to Nata again. Poor Golden Retriever hasn’t been away from us for more than a few hours at a time since he was neutered some odd ten years ago, so we don’t want him to feel as if he’s been abandoned again.

He was doing marginally better, (a liver problem, as I feared) and when I asked, we were allowed to take him home with us during the night. Yay. Once he realized that he was sprung from his prison, he carefully trotted after big brother and settled on the back seat of the car without complaint.

The rest of the dogs were ambivalent about his return. Some were wary, others were psyched. In particular Rammi, who considers herself his personal groomer. The moment he was standing amidst the rest of the pack, she started cleaning his ears.

So now I have an edit to do, and then…then I’m fully intending to go to bed early. Yay.

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