
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Back to normal

Song of the day: “Put it there” by Paul McCartney, I think. I can’t be sure because except for the lyrics and tune I can’t remember the voice, the face and concordantly, the name. Such a shame. I just might have to go online to look it up.
Right here.
Gawd, it’s been at least fifteen years since I heard this. Maybe sixteen...I don’t have a clue.

Right. Fall is here for sure. The air is cooler, the sun lower and less bright, and the nights are definitely getting longer now. Darn it. Most of today, for the first time since winter, I was dressed in a genuine sweater. So strange to still have sunshine, and yet being unable to stay warm without some sort of covering. *sigh* This is going to be a cold winter, I fear.

But anyway. I got sick and tired of being (no pun intended) sick, so this morning we decided on a workout regardless of the persisting cough. No sense in slacking if it is not improving. So the workout was more for form then strength and speed, but I did it regardless. There were warm ups, punches, kicks and everything else, so…not bad.
Did get too little sleep because of it, but who’s counting anyway. I can sleep when I’m dead. Hah.

But okay, let’s get down to the sum-up of what I remember of the past couple of days.
There was lots of weeding for sure. We have about three paddies of onions and the poor little sprigs were disappearing in the grass, solanum and gawd knows what else. So basically I spent about an hour on my hands and knees (not counting getting up every time to water a couple of the other fields) yanking out little bits of grass and other weeds. It was rather calming, if you must know.

Did hunt for pumpkins. Boy are they good in hiding, the sneaky little bastards. Seriously, you gotta crawl through the undergrowth on all fours to find some of them, and even then, you’re lucky if you pick one out of the tangling vines of the Morning Glory. I was practically on top of one before I saw it. I do get that freaky tone when I’m hunting pumpkins. You remember Avatar’s “I see you, brother” mine becomes a mix of that and Jack Nicholson’s “Here’s Johnny” in the Shining. Hah.
Seriously, try saying it some day, with a rather psychotic sing-songy tone, or course, “I seeee, youuuuu!”
It’s hilarious.

There was carpentry, naturally. The lean-to on the left of the greenhouse is as good as done now, painted and everything, and this morning I started on the second one to the right. Got the front sections up of the new one, and big brother put glass in the first today. Looking good. I made pics, and soon I will start posting a lot, I promise.

Cooking aplenty. Both today and yesterday. Gotta keep your strength up, regardless of hunger…or lack thereof. Admittedly, I was actually hungry again today, so maybe that workout had some effect after all. Hah.

Yesterday I sorted through a pile of adaptors that we’ve stocked in a bag for the past year, and while big brother checked them out for functionality, I tried to untangle the bloody mess until every wire was separate. Do you know how frustrating a job that is?…it’s not that bad, actually. It can be rather therapeutic to unwind wires, I think. I mean, seriously. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we were able to get our minds unwound that way?

Nata is doing rather well again. He’s cheery as heck, and is even trying to sneak in with the other when we go into the vegetable garden. Unless he really manages to sneak in without notice, we don’t let him, but such effort needs to be rewarded when perseverance wins from old age.

Fortuyn is rapidly becoming nuttier. I mean it, every day he is a bit more insane than the day before. You, about last year he discovered stones (whenever grandpa turns earth and tosses out rocks, Fortuyn is right there like a Jack in a box. So, rather than have him give himself cardiac arrest from suspense, big brother occasionally throws one for him. Three to four times a day has to be the limit, otherwise he just might lose his tentative touch on reality, or something. You should see and hear him. Time and again he jumps around his own axel, whimpering like a junkie wanting his fix. It’s pathetic. Hah.

Ah well, like yesterday (yes we managed another edit without killing each other) I’m going to get started on an edit now, and leave the blog as it is for the day.

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