
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to carpentry

Song of the day: “Say say say” by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney. After the last song of the day, I had to look it up, of course, and ended up with all sorts of McCartney stuff, including this one. So I’ve had this one in my head, along with McCartney’s “This one”. There are days when I wonder at how some stuff sticks in your head even after all these years.

And I’m drawing a blank…at this particular moment the days that past since my last blog didn’t exist and I floated in complete limbo. There is nothing. Not…oh wait, I do remember what I did today (it’s the pressure of remembering, is all. I really am not becoming senile…yet…I hope) and it was carpentry. Yes it was, thank you very much. Since mom is short on storage space in her working area I’ve decided to remodel an old closet and make it into a new one. It will be a foot an a half deep, five feet high and about six feet wide. The outside is white, and I intent to keep it that way, and the doors with be of a bright cobalt blue with mahogany colored strips of wood on them. Four doors, two straight up, two fold outs. Regretfully I didn’t manage to finish it today, but maybe, if there are no major disasters tomorrow, I’ll finish it then.

There was unloading of the car, since yesterday evening was another donation haul trip. Almost didn’t make it without falling asleep during the trip, but we made it save and sound in the end, which is all that matters in the end, of course. Basically the morning was spent lugging stuff to their respective storage spaces.

No workout this morning, seeing as we got home rather late, but yesterday we did…well I did, considering big brother fell asleep again and completely forgot the time. Ya snooze ya lose. I get a kick out of saying that, so let me just revel in that for a moment, okay? *sigh*

Gawd yes, gardening. I spent a large part of yesterday in the yard…or more accurately, the greenhouse. First off, there’s this persistent bug we’re battling (the red spider mite) along with a new one, the leaf miner (I already mentioned it once, I think) so that took up some of my time. Once I’d cleared most of the young tomato plants, grandpa had filled me up some big pots, in which I planted four tomato plants and three pepper plants. These will stay I the greenhouse and their pots permanently this winter. With a little luck we’ll have some fresh summer veggies that way.

That done, (big brother started on the lean-to again) I headed over to the elevated seedbed and sowed one row of green beans (just to see if that will work) and two patches of lettuce. Since there is new soil in there, I am most curious if the green beans will work. It would be bloody awesome if they did.

Cooked supper twice in the past two days. Strangely enough I was in the mood for rice, so yesterday we had fried rice (with coconut shavings and peanuts through curry spices) and chard on the side, and today with had what was left of the rice stir fried with veggies, and a satay sauce on the side. Was yummy, and tenant, whose idea it had been to go for the satay sauce, was more than happy.

But back to yesterday…we finished putting the construction of the second lean-to together, meaning that as soon as big brother finishes cutting glass we’re almost completely set for winter. Good thing too, seeing as the evenings and night are getting distinctly colder ‘bout now. I’m wearing sweaters and vests already.

A nap. How could I forget? I had a really good one last night. Yay! Was out like a light in ten seconds flat, so I needed it. Hah.
Edits are still going slow. I think it is a result of the flu. It shot our concentration, but we did manage to do several pages last night, so all is not lost. Hah. Even if it does feel that way at times.

Chaos the gorgeous is asking for attention at the moment. He’s standing beside me (me on a chair at the table, he on the porch with his head at the level of my head) oooohooooing pitifully for attention, and making me ambivalent about strangling or hugging him. Eejit! I bet he wants food or a petting, either can make him act this way. I better go see…
Well, it turned out to be a petting, he barged into the cabin afterwards, looking at me hopefully to let him up on the bed. He is sooooo lazy. Hah.

Well, I better get this wrapped up now. There are edits to do, discussions to be had and all that jazz before bedtime is here once more. I’m looking forward to it already.

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