
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Out and about in the yard

Song of the day: “Aint’ that a kick in the head” by Westlife, again. I’m having a lot of classics in my head these days.

Right, yeah. (Do not blank out again, Sam. I’m telling ya. Focus, darn it!) Yesterday…well, no workout then. We came home late the night before, and I didn’t get to bed until three in the morning. Consequently I couldn’t drag my butt from bed before nine in the morning, meaning that I had to forego the workout and skip immediately to the morning chores, such as (hold your breath, the suspense might just kill you) laundry, yes, the highlight of every persons day, and mine…*snort* Seriously, I like laundry, as you know so I was just messing with you. Hah.

Yesterday was a lot about busywork, really. Walking back and forth since we had to unload the car, sort through the whole mess and get it all down to the terrace for mom and the sibs to sort through again.

I fixed a nice wall lamp, which will be suited for mom’s room, providing quite a bit of light once I get around to hanging it. While I was working on it, mom joined me for a bit and we ended up talking about politics and such, which usually is the case. Hah.

Next I gathered foodstuffs for supper, asked if tenant needed anything else (she opted to stay up by her bungalow for a change) and then went down the mountain to work in the yard. That was nice. Sunshine and wind, and working in the dirt on bare feet (it’s an experiment to see if that works better for my friggin’ foot) the hours just flew by with me yanking weeds, watering fields and gathering veggies for supper.

I was downright sorry to see the day end after that. But supper had to be prepared and cleaning had to be done too, since we had been neglecting that for quite a bit. Hah. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be seen to, stuff we had to “let go” during the summer. Now that winter is approaching it is time to get stuff that can’t stay outside when the rainy season start.

But anyway, afterwards there was a nap for me, boy was I tired, and then there was reading of the review books, which is going well. This particular indie writer does have some interesting political views, which could make for some fascinating debates. Hah.
What followed were edits, and then around one in the morning it was finally time to go to bed. I was totally psyched for some peculiar reason.

Which brings us to today at last. Yes, there was time for a workout. Yay. Did a full hour and a half, punched, kicked and pounded that ball, stepped, jumped and slid, did push ups, pull ups and pumped iron, so I was nice warm and limber through the majority of the day.

First off we had to go to town to get some sewing supplies for mom, and then a few groceries to see us through the last of this month until Grocery Shopping Day is upon us once more. We got home after two, at which time I was more than happy to head down the yard and spend some time in the greenhouse.

Knight II was a little bonkers today, I don’t think he’s getting enough exercise because he’s got so much energy that sometimes I’m afraid that in his enthusiasm he’ll run right into me and break something. *sigh*

But anyway, after the dogs got over their usual enthusiasm, all quieted down again, and the groceries were put away. Once I was done in the greenhouse, once again there were leaf miners, and one of the tomato plants died because of it, it was time to start supper. Decided on pasta with veggies, by the way. Was nice.

That done, we had a little time left so some weeds got yanked in the onion paddies, which was wonderful. Bare feet again, on the warm moist soil, butt in the air and hair in my face. It got me laughing since my pants kept rolling down my hips. I really shouldn’t wear some of them without a belt. Hah.

Next we had to go to the village to pay an outstanding bill at the vet’s, and then headed to our pick up spot for rocks and letting Knight II out for a walk. Of course he’s incredibly lazy and after five minutes was traipsing around the car, practically begging to get in to relax and get his “dainty” paws off the dirt. Seriously, he’s such a city dog. If I head into the bushes, he looks around in search of a paved path for crying out loud.

Well anyway, I should get some more reading done, and edits, of course. I sure hope I’m going to get to bed in time tonight, because we just might have an extremely busy day tomorrow.

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